Chapter 1

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Danny and Amelia were just two kids like any other, going to school, having friends, growing and learning with two loving parents. They had a loving household. They weren't rich or poor, their parents both worked full time jobs. Danny just graduated high school and Amelia is now in 8th grade. Danny is waiting to hear back from colleges he applied to. He's not 100% certain what he wants a career in yet, maybe something music related. Amelia was just excited that next year she would be in High school. Her and Danny had a great sibling relationship, rarely ever fought. They had a bit of an age gap but they cared for one another. Danny was sitting on the couch on his phone while Amelia was watching some reality tv show she liked. Their mother, Lilly was preparing dinner while their father, Brian, was taking a quick shower before they went out. It was a Friday night and their parents usually went out on a date. Lilly finished preparing dinner for Danny and Amelia.

"Dinners ready, I'll leave it out for you guys, just put it in the fridge if you don't want it." Lilly informed them. Danny and Amelia were focused on just relaxing but they heard her. Brian finished showering and got dressed and came out. Lilly grabbed her purse and put it on her shoulder. "Okay well be back around 10:00, love you" She kissed Danny's head and then Amelia. Danny and Amelia but said goodbye and said love you as well and then their parents went into their car and drove off.

As the night got later Danny heated up the food and once he was done eating he put it away. Amelia was a more picky eater so she had a different plate made up. She also couldn't eat a full plate of food unless she was distracting herself with tv. She still ate without it, it was just less. Amelia threw her plate away when she was done and headed into her bedroom as well. It started getting later and later and Danny ended up falling asleep and so did Amelia. Around 12am Amelia got up to use the bathroom. She walked towards her parents bedroom and saw that the door was wide open still.

"Mom?" She called out but there was no answer. She walked into the living room and looked out the window and saw the car was not in the driveway. She looked at the time that was on the tv and was very confused. She went into her bedroom and tried calling both her mother and father but no answer. She walked over to Danny's room and knocked on the door. "Danny?" She called out and kept knocking until she got a response. Danny eventually heard the sound of knocking and sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. "Danny? Are you awake?" She called out once more.

"I am now" He called out to her with a raspy voice. He grabbed sweatpants that was by his bed and put them on. He usually slept in just his boxers. He opened the door and saw a worried expression on her face. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Mom and Dad aren't home yet.. Its 12." Danny looked confused and walked out of his bedroom and saw the bedroom door still open and then started looking around the rest of the house.

"Did you call them?" He asked as he walked around the house.

"I did, no answer from both of them." Danny looked out the window and saw the empty driveway.

"I wouldn't worry, they probably got side tracked."

"But they've never been this late before.." Danny put his hands on both of her shoulders and knelt down a bit to be at eye level since she was a lot shorter than he was.

"Don't worry okay? Well figure this out, want to watch tv while we wait? We can yell at them together when they walk in" He chuckled and she did as well.

"Yeah.. Yeah okay.."

"You pick the movie, ill make some popcorn." He smiled and she nodded and sat down on the couch and started looking through all the movies. Danny was concerned but he didn't want to show it and freak her out more. He went into the kitchen and grabbed some popcorn from the pantry and then put it in the microwave. He went back into his bedroom and grabbed his phone and tried calling both his parents but still no answer. He was so confused. He went into his text messages and found his moms name 'where are you guys? Getting a little worried' He sent and hoped that he would get a hold of them soon. He then heard the microwave beep and went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and dumped the popcorn into it. He then melted some butter and mixed it into the bowl and went into the living room and sat down next to her.

Amelia picked Harry Potter since it was on the longer side and that would keep them distracted. They both started eating the popcorn and watching the movie. Danny kept checking his phone every couple minutes. They were an hour into the movie when there was a knock at the door which made them both jump. "Maybe this is them, probably lost their keys" He stood up from the couch and went to answer the door. Amelia paused the movie and put the popcorn bowl on the table in front of her. Danny opened the door expecting to see his parents but instead there was two cops which made his heart sink right to his stomach. "Uh.. Can I help you?" He asked.

"Are you related to Lilly and Brian Glover?" The cop asked.

"Their my parents.. Why? Where are they?" He asked nervously. Amelia stood up from the couch and walked closer to the door seeing the two cops and stood right behind Danny.

"There's been an accident.. They're in the hospital, you should come with us, well get you there."

"Oh.. Oh my god.. Okay.. Amelia get your shoes on.." He panicked and quickly started to put his shoes on and Amelia did the same. Danny quickly went into his bedroom and put a shirt on and Amelia followed him.

"Are they okay??" She asked fearfully.

"I'm sure they're going to be fine, lets just get there." He informed her and they quickly ran out the door with the cops and got in the back seat as they drove them to the hospital.

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