Chapter 13

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Danny arrived home and closed the door behind him and smiled to himself, a real smile. He didn't know what it was about her, but he was drawn to her. Amelia was at home still being that it was only the afternoon, but she was getting ready to leave. "Looks like the date went well."

Danny tried hiding the goofy smile he had on his face. "It was nice."

Amelia looked at him and started cracking up. "Holy shit, is that a hickey!" She pointed to his neck which he immediately tried to hide. 

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Damn that's one first date! Getting frisky at a café??" She continued to laugh.

"We were just getting to know each other."

"Clearly" She continued to laugh.

"Don't you have a movie you got to go see?" 

"But this is way more entertaining." 

"Need a ride? I'll drive you." 

A car horn was heard outside their driveway. "Damn that's them, but this was getting juicy."

Danny rolled his eyes. "Have fun, keep me updated on where you are." He informed. 

"I wont be having as much fun as you." She chuckled once more before she walked out the door. Danny rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom and saw the nice big hickey he had. Definitely couldn't miss it. He then laid down on his bed and continued to message her.

It was the following Saturday and Danny promised that he would invite her over so Amelia could meet her. They've been talking everyday nonstop and she visits Danny on her lunch breaks at work. Danny wore a brown button up shirt and blue jeans. Amelia wore a yellow shirt with long sleeves and blue jeans. Danny couldn't wait to see Marissa again. Soon he heard a knock at the door and opened it. Marissa gave him a smile and pulled him into a passionate kiss. "Nice to see you too." Danny chuckled and cupped her cheek. He went in to kiss her again when he heard Amelia clear her throat. He had no idea how long she was standing there. "Uh come in." He let her walk in and closed the door behind her. "Amelia this is Marissa, Marissa this is my sister Amelia. 

"Nice to meet you." Amelia gave her a small smile but was also looking at her up and down, silently judging her. She cared about her brother and wanted to make sure she was okay. 

"Aw you're so cute!" She put her hand on top of Amelia's head since she was shorter. 

"Uh thanks.." Amelia moved her hand off her head. 

"So you guys hungry? I can make us something, or we can order from a place." He shrugged. 

"You don't have to make anything, ordering food is easier and--"

"Ooh Yass cook! Love myself a good meal." Marissa cut her off. 

Amelia gave her a judgmental look. Really? Making him cook? She thought to herself. 

"Do you have any favorites?" He asked.

"Italian food is always good." 

Danny nodded and went into the kitchen and started looking at everything they had before he started cooking. 

"Do you need any help?" Amelia offered.

"Come on, he can handle it, us girls need to be cared for right? Were the queens." She spoke quietly to Amelia, but not whispering. Danny was to busy cooking to hear. 

"And what does that make Danny? A servant?" She asked. 

"A cute one." She smirked as she watched him cook.

Amelia gave her an annoyed look and stood up from the table and helped Danny as much as she could. 

"Got anything to drink?" She asked.

"What? Your feet don't work?" Amelia asked.

"Amelia, be nice." He checked the food before he went over to the fridge. 

"Uh water, Iced tea, soda.." He listed off a bunch of drinks. 

"No alcohol?" She asked.

"Uh there's a few beers, but we don't drink.." 

"Yeah were underage.. Are you 21?" Amelia asked.

"No I'm 19 but got a fake ID, you don't have one Danny?" She asked. Danny shook his head. 

"I can hook you up, next time we'll have a drink." 

"He just said he doesn't drink." Amelia interjected. 

"Amelia its fine, one drink wont hurt." He shrugged. Amelia could see that this girl wasn't good, even if Danny couldn't. She was a bad influence and just seemed plain rude. Maybe it was just her being an overprotective sister but she was getting bad vibes. Danny finished cooking the food and gave everyone a plate. "Food is served!" He smiled and sat down. They all started eating and Danny looked over at Marissa. "So what do you think? 5 stars?" He asked.

"Eh maybe 3." She shrugged. Amelia getting annoyed once more. 

"Oh.. Guess I need more practice." 

"Definitely do but I like having a little chef." She smirked. They continued to eat their food and have their small talks before Marissa had to go. Danny walked her to the door. 

"So when can I see you again?" He asked. 

"Hmm, sometime soon." She smirked and pulled him into a passionate kiss once more and then pushed him away giving him a smirk before she walked away. Amelia watched them like a hawk as she cleaned up the kitchen. Danny closed the door behind him and helped Amelia clean up as well. 

"She's something.." Amelia looked at him and put one of the plates in the dishwasher.

"Yeah she is." He smiled to himself. 

"I didn't really mean that as a good thing.." 

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"I don't know.. I'm just getting weird vibes from her.. How much do you know about her?" She asked. 

"Enough" He shrugged and helped her finish cleaning up and took a seat at the kitchen table. "You don't like her?" He asked.

"I don't know.. I guess I don't know her that well.. She seems.. Weird.. Little rude.." She shrugged.

"That's just her personality, I thought she was weird at first too" He chuckled.

"Still, I just don't want her hurting you, she should treat you with love and respect, she seems a bit controlling too.." 

"She's not going to hurt me, I really like her, like a lot." He admitted.

"I can see that.. Just be careful okay.. Don't let your feelings come in between seeing red flags." 

"I'm always careful, are you sure this is about Marissa? Not the fact that she has my attention?" He asked.

"What? No I'm not jealous Danny, I want you to be with someone and be happy, I care about you." 

"I know you do, but don't worry, you always come first." He touched the top of her head and ruffled up her hair and headed to his bedroom. She sighed and went to her room as well. He didn't listen to a word I said, she thought to herself. Maybe she was just over reacting, she hoped she was. 

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