Chapter 1

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Finding a Job

Your name is Y/N Y/L/N, and you're great with kids, so you babysit for parents who can't be with their kids 24/7. You've been in the babysitting jig for a long time to the point that you were famous with the business.

Every time you were done babysitting one kid, another parent would call you in. Yes, although it was time-consuming, it gave you great pay. Enough for rent, bills, food, and clothes. There is nothing to complain about.

Until one day, a man texted you. Saying that he has a job that needs him a lot and can't always be there for his son. He needed a nanny more than a sitter.

You, of course, hesitated, but he said that he had a guest bedroom you could stay in, getting paid a lot of money, and his son Jack was apparently an angel. It didn't sound so bad. So..why not? You agreed and packed your stuff.

The man's name is Aaron Hotchner. A single father who was apperantly an FBI agent. He sent you his address, and you left. After about..25 minutes, you finally got to his apartment complex. You checked the door number he sent you, and you walked up a few flights of stairs.

When you finally got to his door, you saw an elevator. "God damnit- I walked all the way up here for nothing?!" You said breathless. "Whatever.." You knocked on the door, and before your second knock, a tall man who was wearing a suit opened the door.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" He said with a tired voice watching me shake my head yes. "Oh good. I'm Aaron. Please come in." Aaron opened the door for you.

"So..did you just come back from work ooorrrr?" You walked in, putting your things next to the door.

"Uh no, I'm just about to leave for work."  He chuckled and carried your stuff to a room, "I just got called, and I'm relieved you came just in time. Here this will be your room." He set your bags gently next to a big, comfortable lookin bed.

Oh wow... just for me, huh? I can get used to this. Aaron walked you over to the room next to yours and opened the door ever so slightly.

"This is Jack's room." He whispered. There was a small gentle small on Aaron's face when he slowly closed the door. He walked over to his bags that were in the kitchen.

"There is a piece of paper on the fridge that has Jack's schedule. Everything he can and can not do or eat." Aaron pointed to the paper, "there's also my number if anything happens."

"Got it!" You followed Hotch to the door, "I'll take very good care of your son, Mr. Hotch. I promise. " I smiled at him holding the door.

"I'm trusting you, Y/N." He nodded and left.

This was a short one, but I promise the others will hopefully be longer! This is only the beginning!♡

513 words!!

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