Chapter 6.

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His Card.

Your alarm went off, and you immediately woke up. You checked your phone and it was Monday. finally realized that you needed to get ready. You got up and saw that Hotch was gone, but it didn't matter to you at the moment.

You ran to the bathroom and took a shower. Got dressed and made breakfast. You went back to Jack and woke him up.

"Jack sweetie! You have school. Wake up!" You uncover Jack, making him get up and rubbing his eyes. "There you goo. Come on. Your cereal is on the table."

Jack left his room and went to the kitchen to eat. You set down a nice outfit for him on his bed and walked over at the door. There was a note.

'I got a call from work and had to leave. Don't know when I'll be back, but I'll text you. Jack gets out from school at 1:11. -Aaron'

You set an alarm for 1:11. Jack finished and ran to the bathroom to take and shower, then changed. He came running to you with his bag and held your hand.

[You and Jack went inside your car and drove to the school. When you got there, you hugged Jack, and he left. You turned to see JJ doing the same thing to Henry.]

"JJ!" You yelled to get her attention. She looked over and smiled.

"Hey, Y/N!! How are you?!" She waved and came walking towards you.

"Not bad. Yourself?" You gave her a big hug.

"I'm great! Hey, do you wanna do something?" JJ hugged you back.

"Sure!...Wait, why aren't you at work?" You backed up remembering Hotch's note.

"Oh, I decided not to go to work today. I wanted to stay with my kids for a day." She sighed. "Why not leave your car here and hang out the whole day? Then we come back and pick up Henry and Jack?"

"Okay. That sounds good." You and JJ left the school and headed towards the mall.

"Soo.. did anything happen between you and Hotch?" JJ gave you a look.

"We dance?" You shrugged. "He played Creep by Radiohead." Laughing at JJ looked at you. "What.."

"Hotch danced with you?" It feels like anything he does with you always surprises his team.

"Yea- tell me... how does he act at work?" You were so curious about why JJ reacted like she did.

"Well, Hotch always has a strict type of face on. He shows no emotion. He isn't that fun either. It's always about work. He focuses on it and always talks about it." She replied.

So that's why she was shocked. "He shows no emotions?"

"No, not really. It was only recent, though. When he kinda loosened up. Not as tight as he was before. Kind to think of it... I think it was because of you!" JJ shoved you softly. Joking around.

"Do you really think so?" Was it really because of you? I mean.. it's only been a few days. Can he really like you? "I don't think so. He said he didn't like me back at Rossi's place, remember?"

"He was probably lying. I saw the way he looked at you at dinner."

"He was looking at me?" You quickly turned your head to JJ's.

"Yea Y/N he did." She laughed. You two went inside a couple of stores buying clothes and some makeup. "When's your birthday?" JJ finally asks.

"We're in February, right? It's 2 months on the 20th."

"April 20th? Wow okay...anything planned?" She walked towards the food court with you following her.

" I'm probably just going to hang out with Jack."

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