Chapter 9

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Hello again everyone! Ok so for a reminder this chapter is focused on Kaiden (Leo's brother) just after Leo leaves.




Something smells good.

I lift myself up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, flicking the bed sheets of myself, I slip my way out, feet gently touching the ground as I amble my way to the kitchen.

Once standing in the door arch looking straight on to the kitchen, reality hits me like a brick as I see someone completely unknown to me taking control over the kitchen. Yes, this isn't uncommon in my house, we've always got someone randomly around, whether their passed out on the floor after another one of Leos parties or from one of Dads business meetings, or one of Dads many booty call partners, but there's always someone inviting themselves.

Theres been multiple times that randoms have invited themselves into my room, which has been very awkward and annoying.

It always makes me feel unsafe and disgusted, it feels as if someone has seen the darkest parts within me, my room is my only reasonably private space and I hate when people invade it like it means nothing.

The stranger looks up, dark eyes locking with mine, stopping their movements, stepping away from the counter, hands placed together behind his back, nodding his head down to me.

"Good morning sir."

I stare in shock for a minute. "Who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Andrew Robert Campbell sir, and I have been placed here to guard, protect and help you by your fathers orders."

A minute of silence passes.

"...So kind of like a babysitter?" I question.

"For a less professional way of explaining, yes I could be described as such."

Babysitter? My fathers never gotten me a babysitter before. He'd leave for hours, sometimes days and he's never had a babysitter look after us. Why now? Why would he get one when I'm old enough to look after and protect myself?

Andrew continues to stand professionally still and upright as I try and process the confusing information.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"9:27 sir."

"What?" I gasp.

I rush to Leo's room. His doors left open, bed unmade, although that's not anything different, a few things look to have been knocked to the floor.

He's gone, I missed his leaving. I'm a horrible brother, I wasn't there for him. He would have been so scared and frustrated, I could have calmed him down or something or maybe I could have convinced Dad not to make him go last minute.

I open Leos drawers, nothing seems to be missing. Did he take any clothes or anything?

His chargers still here. Moneys still here. Everything's still here. He didn't take anything.

I sit down on the edge of his bed in despair.

"Breakfast is ready when you wish to eat sir." My head bolts to the sound, my spirit jumping from my body as Andrew breaks through my thoughts.

"Um, yes, ok, thank you."

He nods once again, exiting from the door frame back towards the kitchen.

I take one last look around before heaving myself up towards the eating area. I don't feel like eating however I don't want to make Andrew mad because I'm not apreacting his hard work.

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