Chapter 10

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I looked back at some of the later chapters for a moment and realised I'd mucked up some things so, idk when, but I'll try to get to fixing them up as soon as possible and inform you guys if there's anything kinda drastically changed and I hope it doesn't/ hasn't made any confusion.


The next day goes like any other, except this time I have to wear a god awful uniform. There's two options you can choose from, either shorts with knee high white socks or long pants and there is no way I'm wearing shorts with those dorky socks, and as if it couldn't get any worse, we also have to wear a white collared shirt with a suffocating jacket that matches the pants in colour; being grey. And if only it could end there it continues... We also have to wear a tie. An ugly grey and white stripped tie.

"We should buy some lunch today." Maxton states as I continue tugging at my shirt collar in irritation.

"Yeah why not." I answer, as Maxton closes the door behind us, as we make our way towards our classroom.

Memories of the incident that occurred last in the classroom drain over my mind like a popped balloon, how I was kicked out and ordered to not enter again. What's he gonna do to me this time?

Upon entering the room, and Maxton holding my hand as we seat ourselves down on the ground, the room goes silent. The sudden anxiety of having everyone's attention on me intensifies, making me lower my head in fear, as the whispering continues.

Suddenly the doors are ripped open, Professor Gocalon entering with his head lifted high and eyes that have no recognition of the events that occurred just the other day.

The whispers and piercing eyes diminish upon the sudden entrance, and instead become trained upon the Professor.

Sudden rushing occurs of individual's seating themselves on the ground, knees slightly open, quick glances being thrown my way every so often in anticipation of what could occur in the mire few moments.

However, to not only mine but everyone's surprise, the professor seated himself on the table, beginning with informing us of information and events that will be occurring within the next few weeks.

"Good morning students. I'd like to notify you with the revision on the fact that in only 6 days you'll be able to start packing your items to move into the households of your dominates. Furthermore there will be a celebration to govern the change in setting for you all. Celebrations and outings with everyone in this room and their dominates occur often to help with understanding this community further, being able to socialize with individuals who can help and better develop your behaviour and understanding around topics. Is everyone understanding what's being stated?"

"Yes professor." Comes the replies from groups of people within the room.

"Good." He nods. "I'd like you all to spend more quality time during your breaks being with your dominates, and of course you'll be given scheduled time during classes to interact with one another, helping to make the transfer to their accommodations easier on the both of you, both mentally and physically."

Professor Gocalon eyes scan the crowd receiving nods of comprehension and gratitude from those anxious over the housing arrangements.

"We've got busy sceducalse for the next 6 days, as you all need to understand and learn every piece of advice, knowledge, facts and situations you'll be given. Everything you will be learning is to help with future sceneroes. So, lets begin!" He claps his hands together, lifting his bottom of the table, moving around to the draw of the desk, before presenting a large book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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