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After the exhilarating game, the players of Team Z found themselves in the locker room, their bodies still glistening from the post-match shower. The air was thick with exhaustion and the faint scent of soap. 

Kuon broke the silence with a suggestion, "Why don't we take a moment to share what we each specialize in as a striker?"

Raichi went first, "My weapon is my magnificent shooting techniques. And my motto is: 'Sexy Soccer'"

Naruhaya: "Mine is getting in behind."

Gagamaru: "Mine is...being physical."

Iemon: "I'm an all-rounder."

As the players took turns, it came to Kazuki. It wasn't that big of a deal but Kazuki fell silent, a pensive look crossing his face. 'What do I specialize on...?'

The truth is, he couldn't quite pinpoint a specific aspect that set him apart as a striker. The other's stared at him, waiting for an answer. Kazuki didn't respond.  Soccer, once a source of immense joy and passion, had lost some of its luster for him. The thrill that had once coursed through his veins had waned, leaving him searching for that same exhilaration he had once known.

Kazuki chose to ignore the question, his eyes glancing away from his teammates. Without uttering a word, he quietly gathered his belongings and left the locker room, the door closing softly behind him.

As he disappeared into the distance, the locker room fell into a momentary hush. 

"Uh well...anyways, who's next?" Kuon said, trying to break the sudden awkward tension. The other players exchanged glances.

Kazuki struggled to find a definitive answer because his abilities transcended any specific aspect of the game. Soccer had become more of a challenge for him, a means to rediscover the spark that had faded.


Lost in his thoughts, Kazuki walks briskly back to Team Z's room. Unbeknownst to him, he collides with someone, causing her to drop the papers she was holding. Startled, Kazuki's eyes widen as he realizes who it is—Anri, a member of the Japanese Football Association, and the only girl present in Blue Lock.

The girl he saw creepily hiding in the dark.

"Mm, sorry," he mutters softly, his voice barely audible. Kazuki bends down to help Anri collect the scattered papers. His hands brush against hers accidentally, sending a jolt of electricity through his fingertips. Anri, taken aback by the unexpected closeness, feels a blush rise to her cheeks.

Kazuki, still lost in his own world, continues to help Anri without saying much. Once the papers are gathered and returned, he rises to his feet, his gaze distant. Without a word, he resumes his solitary journey, leaving Anri to watch him in quiet contemplation.

 Without a word, he resumes his solitary journey, leaving Anri to watch him in quiet contemplation

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