C4 | Husband is sick!

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"Eh? What's happening here"

"Wait who are you?!" A Jiang disciple asked

All heads we're turned wondering who was the said guest

"Uh hello?" The guest said

"Do you mind introducing yourself pretty lady?" Wei WuXian flirted

"Disgusting but my name is airi" Airi answered and bowed showing respect to people she rarely knows

"Where's Mi-" Airi said looking around

"RIRI!!!" Mina screamed as she hugged Airi

"Stop acting like a child will you? Do you also mind changing your clothes and brush your hair?" Airi stated as she points her hand at Mina's clothes and hair

"Fine! But do you mind making them react to this" Mina replied handing her phone to Airi

Airi decided to look at the phone  "Why M-"


Airi sighed "well then let's react I guess?"

The video started and it showed cloud recess

Suddenly there was an explosion

"WangJi come down! A-Xian is still with the juniors!" Lan XiChen yelled

"Eh Lan Zhan what did you do?"

The camera view goes to Lan WangJi with his hair a mess and only in his inner robe it looked like he was pouting?

"Brother I want wei ying!!!!!!!!" He already started to throw a tantrum

"A-Die?!" Lan SiZhui

Gasps and whispers was heard

"Are u sure this is hanguang-jun? "

"Are we viewing hanguang-jun's secret? "

"Quiet now I'm gonna turn it on again" Airi voiced to the crowd whispering

"Wangji! Just drink your medicine please!" Lan xichen begged

He's to young for this! It's like he's taking care of a child! And that said child was his brother

"To be honest zero-jun could've stayed in seclusion longer.. " A lan Disciple whispered to himself

"I gotta say I should've stayed longer.."
LanXichen whispered back

"In every scene you guys start speaking! Can everyone be quiet?!" Airi complained all she wants is to react not listen to them!

"Well damn sorry ma'am"

Can't his brother give him a break?!
Is this what his uncle had to go through when his brother was sick before?!

"You know what wangji stay here I'll be right back.... And please don't break the tea set that I just bought it was limited edition! "

"Did he just say limited edition?! "

"Holy shit balls! That tea set looks expensive! "

"Where is brother going? Are YOU GOING TO SEE WEI YING?! " Lan wangji said abruptly

How dare his brother is going to see wei ying without him?! If he dares he will kill him! Even worse break the tea set his brother just bought! No one is allowed to see his wife without him!

"Is bro planning to kill his brother?! "

"He didn't even hesitate to break his tea set! "

"Gosh how do I get you guys to shut the fuck up.. " airi mumbled

"No no w-wangji! I'll just go get something ha ha... " lan xichen replied the elders still haven't made his casket yet! But if he did died he wants a white and blue casket with clouds and lotuses as the design!

"Did he just-!? "

"I'm back! " Wei wuxian yelled

'Finally.. ' lan xichen thought he can finally get some rest!

"Why does he look like he's gonna go to seclusion"

"Please shut the fuck up. "

"Lan Zhan you still haven't drinked your medicine?! "

"Well let's just say A-xian.. Wangji didn't want to drink it because I was the one taking care of him! And he also injured me! " lan xichen half lied half truth the truth was lan wangji didn't want him to take care of him the lie was he never got Injured


"XICHEN! " Lan qiren yelled as he spat blood

'Brother I am going to kill you' lan wangji thought he really is going to kill him how dare he lies?!

The video stopped

"Why did you stop? " Jiang Cheng asked he was actually enjoying

"It's best if you guys go back or should I say it's already finished? " airi answered


"The only thing you enjoyed was your husband thoughts! "


"It seems like war is about to happen goodbye everyone! "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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