The Sunset, After

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|| Intro !! ||


Ballister Blackheart (canon)

Ambrosius Goldenloin (canon)

Nimona (canon)

The Squire (canon)

Todd (canon)

The other knights (canon) 

(Other non-canon characters may be introduced in the future)

It was the night Nimona left, at least that's what Ballister called it. She didn't leave, she died, but he'd never say it out loud, he refused to believe it. After Nimona "died" Ballister was comforted by Ambrosius, and Ambrosius took him home, Ballister slept, dreaming that when he got back to his house, Nimona would be there, playing the trick they did when the two first met, but all of his joy for seeing her again quickly faded as he woke up on his couch, no Nimona, just the sound of a kettle being made in the kitchen behind him. Ballister rose his head, turning behind him where he saw Ambrosius making tea.

"You up now, Bal?" Ambrosius heard the creaking of the couch, assuming it was Ballister's barely awoken self. Ballister rubbed his eyes and groaned a response. "Mmmmmmm..." Ambrosius laughed as he took out some cups to pour their tea in. "I made tea, you should drink some, the battle took you out for a couple hours, you know" Ambrosius came over with two cups of tea, handing Ballister a cup, Ballister looked around a bit before a disappointed look grew on his face, Ballister realized Nimona coming back was just a dream. Ambrosius noticed his change in behavior and gave him a confused look, Ballister took a sip of tea when Ambrosius put a hand on his prosthetic, robotic wrist. 

"Bal, what's wrong? You look let down or something, is it me? If you don't wanna see me, that makes sense I mean, I don't deserve-" Ballister put his cup of tea down and kissed Ambrosius, Ambrosius was shocked for a second, but then kissed back, when the two broke, Ambrosius spoke up, ".....that's one way to get me to shut up" they both laughed. Ballister looked away from Ambrosius and spoke, "I'm just deep in thought, sorry, Ambrosius, it's not a problem with you. You could never be the problem, I promise" Ambrosuis gave Ballister a look "you sure about that? I mean, I kinda am the reason why you don't have a left arm" Ballister commented "I kinda forgot about that...a lot's happened, you know? Well anyways, I don't blame you for that" Ambrosuis gave Ballister a look, as if to say 'You should blame me for that'. Ballister shook his head and moved onto something else he wanted to say.

Ballister turned, "but, you will defend me if anything like this happens again, right? It's not that I don't trust you anymore, or anything. But, you haven't been the best to show your trust to me lately" Ambrosuis nodded and put his hand on top of his Ballister's "I promise. And I wanna start showing you how serious I am about us even more now, I know we never really made it official or anything, we probably should've by now. But, Bal, will you be my boyfriend?" Ballister laughs "Yeah, I'll be you're boyfriend Ambrosius" The two stay in each others company for the rest of the night, talking about they're relationship and other things that have been going on during all this, Ballister loved Ambrosius, and Ambrosuis feels the same, but Ballister can't shake the feeling that he can't trust Ambrosuis. He tries to shake it off and convince himself that everything is fine, but in the back of his mind, he believes it.

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