Part 1

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"Looks like Team Rockets' blasting off again!"

Team Rocket was blasting off alright.

Their last Pokimon pilferage plan went sour pretty fast, and the trio was now soaring threw the sky as per usual. They where knocked clear out of the forest this time and where now headed for a taller forest area. It looked to have less trees and more rocks and jagged ravins. Meowth was the only one still screaming after seeing where they where destined to land. James and Jesse where dramatically hugging and crying about what damage the fall would do to their 'beautiful features'.

"My beautiful face will be ruined if we kiss that rock!"

"You're lucky den, Jess. I don't think even a rock could kiss you!" Meowth yelled back. Despite the situation, Jesse managed to kick him.

The ravine was getting closer, "Prepare for a rocky landing!" james managed to say before Team Rocket was swallowed by the ravine.


"Huh?" Jesse opened her eyes and looked around. Rocks surrounded them, going up to form the ravine. But the rocks continued down even past Jesse. The weirdest part was she didn't feel hurt. She tried to get up but something pulled her back, she couldn't move anything and whenever she tried a wave of vibrations shook her. After struggling for a few more seconds she noticed James pant leg floating beside her. "James! Wake up!" Was he snoring!?"JAMES! GET UP YOU IDIOT!" Jesse shook the web a little to make her order clearer.

That woke him up, "Huh? Wazza-what's going oOOO-AHHHHHHHH" James imeadatly regretted opening his eyes, from his perspective it looked as if he was floating above another 200 foot drop over a sharp pool of spikes. "THINGS ARE LOOKING DOWN FOR TEAM ROCKET!" He franticly began waving his limbs in panic, "JESSE! STOP SHAKING IT!"

"You're shaking it moron! This web is the only thing keeping us from ending up a Team Rocket splat with a side order of spikes! So stay still!"

"Now I'm staying still, it's my thoughts that are moving at the moment!" James cried, closing his eyes so he didn't have to look down at their unavoidable fate.

Jesse looked around, as much as she could with the web sticking to the back of her head, "hang on, where's Meowth?"

The blue haired group member kept his eyes glued shut, "He's not over there?"

"He's not on the web. You're the one upside down, see if there's a pile of fur down there and if it's moving or not."

James stammered, "B-but! I don't want to look down! I don't what to see what's become of our friend!"


James looked straight down at the spikes, a breath of relief escaped his mouth, "He's not at the bottom,"

"Keep looking then! He's gotta be somewhere."

James looked to the right and saw a small ledge a few yards below them. He could make out a cat-like Pokémon dangling it's limbs off the side, dangerously close to falling. And of corse he was sleeping, although that may have been evidence of a concussion in this case. "Jesse, he's over on that ledge!"

"Meowth!" Jesse called, she could've sworn she heard the pokimon snoring all the way from where she was. That tore it. "MEOWTH WAKE UP YOU LAZY CAT AND GET US DOWN FROM THIS WEB THIS INSTANT!"

Meowth jumped up in alarm, "Me-ouch! I got bruises where there shouldn't be bruises. What did you two dumbbells do now?" It wasn't until after he asked did he see the situation, this caused him to shriek and push himself up against the ravine wall.

"This is not the time to be talking about weight! The net could give out any minute!" James was on the verge of crying, as was evident in his voice.

Jesse turned as much as she could to try to see Meowth, "Just find a way to get us down from here!"

"And how do'ya suppose I do dat, genius? I can't just get a latter or nothin' ta help ya out!"

"Well then FIND a way!"

The cat picked up a rock and tossed it up, "Oh I'll find a way alright! A way to SHUT YOU UP!" He tossed it at the net in between Jesse and James but only James screamed as the web started wobbling.


Jesse rolled her eyes, "You already make me sick, James. Now TELL MEOWTH TO HELP OR SO HELP ME ILL SCREAM EVEN LOUDER!"

"ACK-! I don't think anybody wants to hear dat! I'll try to help ya down." Meowth attempted to jump up and use furry swipes on the net but it was just to high up. Next he tried digging his claws into the wall and climb up but he nearly broke a paw. "This might be tougher den I thought."

"Meowth," by looking up, James was able to see the forest they where shot from ahead past the ravine entrance. "Perhaps you could ask the twerps for help! They weren't to far away when-"

Jesse started to shake the web again, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!? THATS A TERRIBLE IDEA !"

"PLEASE DON'T TEAR THE NET! PLEASE STOP!" James was finally crying so Jesse stopped with a dramatic scoff and a mumble.

The cat Pokimon noticed a series of ledges leading down from where he was, "Ah hah! I'll try and go get the twerps! Don't go anywhere!" He snickered and began descending slowly down the ravine and back towards the forest.

James sighed, "I'm just glad I'm missing a dentist appointment right now."

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