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Eda woke up to the sun rays coming from the open balcony windows. She could hear the sea outside hitting lazy the shore. She loved waking up to that, but her favorite sound to wake up to was the deep breath and the heartbeat of her soon-to-be husband.

Eda knew Serkan wasn't sleeping. He held her in his arms, and his hand was traveling slowly up and down her waist, hip, and thigh. His recovery was going very well without any issues. He returned to his usual routine of waking up at dawn and working out, and Eda could feel he had regained his former strength. That's why she wasn't opposing anymore when he was taking her in his arms and carrying her on the stairs.

Since Eda's memory returned, she didn't have any unexpected setbacks. It looked like she didn't miss anything. She didn't notice any black spaces, and during her talks with Serkan and her friends, no one could find any topic that she wouldn't remember. She had another follow-up visit with her neurologist, and he was very pleased with her memory return and didn't notice in her results anything disturbing. 

That good news especially calmed Serkan down as Eda found him once reading about possible side effects of head trauma resulting even in brain tumor. She took him to her appointment after that, and the doctor reassured both of them that in Eda's case, it was highly unlikely as she didn't suffer any tissue damage and her retrograde amnesia was rather caused by stress she suffered during the car accident, and connected it to her fainting problems. He proposed the theory that as Eda's coping mechanism to stress was shutting down her body functions, the amount of stress during the car crash caused her brain to shut down some parts responsible for long-term memory.

Serkan brushed her nose, but Eda didn't open her eyes and embraced Serkan tighter to stay a little longer in this blissful state she was in right now. She thought about her memory. It was an interesting thing. For a couple of first days, after she regained the memories, she felt odd, like the same and not the same person at the same time. Eda didn't feel as disconnected from her old self as she was at the beginning of her amnesia when she saw herself as a completely different entity but she couldn't ignore tha fact that she was a little different now. More humble, less combative. She was willing to compromise more in her personal and professional life. She didn't need to prove herself to everybody anymore. She just wanted to be respected as a person and for her work. The silly reasons for which she used to throw toddler tantrums and plates and pots at Serkan didn't matter anymore. 

Serkan changed to. His change of attitude towards work was the most visible, but he also was willing to compromise more and wasn't getting offended easily by every unimportant thing as he used to do earlier. They communicated so much better than ever before.

Eda thought about how would it be if she'd never regain her memory, and she knew it wouldn't change anything. She loved Serkan the same, and he loved and looked at her exactly as he did before her amnesia. She studied his looks many times, and there was no change from what she remembered and what she saw now. Nothing less, nothing more just pure love and complete devotion. 

And she fell in love with him exactly in the same way as she did before. She felt the same pull, fascination, and butterflies since the moment she looked into his eyes for the first time and the same deep love and admiration when she got to know him better. It only confirmed what she knew all along. They were soulmates and they were destined to love each other. No matter how many times they would meet, no matter the circumstances, they would fall in love all the same. And this thought made Eda want to weep from joy.

Eda felt Serkan's hand moving up and starting to make circles on her back. Today was their wedding day. Finally, Eda thought and smiled at Serkan's chest. Earlier, they planned to spend the night before the wedding apart, but after the horrific events they lived through the past couple of months, they decided to ditch that tradition. After all, they lived practically like a married couple for almost a year, and none of them wanted to part to keep with the tradition as they skipped all the others.

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