I'm bedridden with boredom so I'm gonna do Pokémon. Don't kill me.
^^ refer to this if you don't know/remember a certain pokemon.
#0001 - Bulbasaur
Pass#0002 - Ivysaur
Pass#0003 - Venusaur
Pass#0004 - Charmander
Pass#0005 - Charmeleon
Smash#0006 - Charizard
Pass#0007 - Squirtle
Pass#0008 - Wartortle
Pass#0009 - Blastoise
Pass#0010 - Caterpie
Pass#0011 - Metapod
Pass#0012 - Butterfree
Pass#0013 - Weedle
Pass#0014 - Kakuna
Pass#0015 - Beedrill
Smash#0016 - Pidgey
Pass#0017 - Pidgeotto
Pass#0018 - Pidgeot
Pass#0019 - Ratatta
Pass#0020 - Raticate
Pass#0021 - Spearow
Pass#0022 - Fearow
Pass#0023 - Ekans
Pass#0024 - Arbok
Smash#0025 - Pikachu
Pass#0026 - Raichu
Smash#0027 - Sandshrew
Pass#0028 - Sandslash
Smash#0029 - Nidoran ♀️
Pass#0030 - Nidorina
Pass#0031 - Nidoqueen
Pass#0032 - Nidoran ♂️
Pass#0033 - Nidorino
Pass#0034 - Nidoking
Pass#0035 - Clefairy
Pass#0036 - Clefable
Pass#0037 - Vulpix
Pass#0038 - Ninetales
Pass#0039 - Jigglypuff
Pass#0040 - Wigglytuff
Pass#0041 - Zubat
Pass#0042 - Golbat
Pass#0043 - Oddish
Pass#0044 - Gloom
Randomjudge me. I feed off of your disgust. anyways, my taste in men and women is... questionable, to say the least. have fun reading/interacting. Expect 60% of this book to have nothing to do with smash or pass.