Questionable Choices and Questionable Games

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  Charlie stepped out of the room when he saw that the coast was clear. I'm really doing this. He thought as he looked around. He figured that Ranboo's 'prison room' would be in the abandoned storage area, as that's the only place him and Sneeg are never allowed to go when they're released from their 'room'. Charlie checked his pocket to make sure he grabbed the key, which he did, then looked back in the room to make sure Sneeg was asleep, which he was. Once he made sure of those things, he quietly shut the door and turned down the hall toward the storage area.

  Do these people not organize? How the hell do they keep track of everything? Charlie thought to himself as he made his way to the storage rooms, noting how messily things were placed on the way. I'd hate to work in these conditions. He looked at the hall numbers, trying to find 486. 411-440 is down that way... 441-480 down there... 481-520 this way, which means 486 will be this way! Charlie silently cheered and made his way down the 481-520 hall.

  481... 482... 483... 484... 485... 486! Here it is! Charlie looked at the door for a moment. It was a big, rusty, metal, paint and blood stained door with many dents and scrapes all over it. Jeez, is everything rusted and beat up here? Charlie thought to himself, then looked down the halls to make sure no one was around. To his surprise, no one was nearby. I figured there'd be more people guarding this door then this, if Ranboo really is in here, they're doing a horrible job of keeping them secure.

  Charlie took a deep breath, and unlocked the door carefully and quietly. Inside was a kind of wall made from boxes and crates right in front of the door. To the left there was a pile of empty cardboard boxes and chains, to the right was a small path that led to an opening to the rest of the room. Charlie entered the room and quietly shut the door behind him. He decided to go right. When he made it to the opening, he peeked around the wall of boxes. To his absolute shock, there sat Ranboo in a metal chair, chained by his abdomen, arms, and legs. Their head was down, but Charlie could tell they were very much conscious. So conscious, in fact, that Ranboo knew someone was there.

  "I know someone's there." They said, they're voice raspy from the lack of use. "Gonna come out or keep hiding like a coward." They raised their head and looked over to where Charlie was. Charlie knew their tone was an aggressive one, so he stayed just out of Ranboo's view. Ranboo just laughed. They're laugh wasn't light hearted as it usually was, but instead was a cruel and insane sounding laugh.

  Oh Ranboo... What have they done to you... Charlie thought as he listened to their laughter. This isn't you at all...

  "Are you gonna come out and stab me with those fucking needles or NOT?!" Ranboo said impatiently. Charlie then realized that Ranboo figured he was an employee. But Charlie didn't come out, he was debating on whether he should talk or leave and tell Sneeg what he found.

  "Screw this, I'm going back to sleep. Do what you want like you people always do." Ranboo lowered their head, and soon Charlie heard soft snoring.

  Guess sleeping upright in a chair will make you snore. Charlie carefully and silently came out of his hiding place, going over to where Ranboo was. Charlie now saw the state Ranboo was in. They were covered in bruises, scrapes, needle wounds, and countless other wounds. Their head had a constant slight flow of blood dripping down their face from a gash on the top of their head. They still had that metal mask on, it was in the same condition as in the nightmare. What has happened to you... Charlie looked at his friend sadly, then decided it was best to get back to Sneeg's and his room. Even though he wanted to bandage Ranboo, he decided that would probably get him caught, so he left them like they were. He left the room, locking the door behind him and silently making his way to the hospital room.

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