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"Ash nazg u durb ul uluk."

One Ring to rule them all.

With the incantation of the Black Speech adapted to the language of the ancient Sith, the hammer crashed down with the wrath of a war god. All focused on the single ring made of metal as black as the void. It did not dent at all as the powers of the Dark Side of the Force poured into it focused by a circle of Sith Runes and Black Speech to channel the massive energy. In response, one sentence in Black Speech blazed red at the edge of the ring.

While the Dark Side relished with Sauron and his craft, the Light Side of the Force screamed out in such anguish that shook the galaxy

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While the Dark Side relished with Sauron and his craft, the Light Side of the Force screamed out in such anguish that shook the galaxy. It reached all the way to the Core Worlds and to center of the Eternal temple where many Rangers and Masters of the Eternal Order and it's allies' clutched their heads in pain as they felt the scream of the Living Force. The weakest in Force sensitivity are hurt the most and often went unconscious after screaming their lungs out, and the masters of the Eternals' felt as though their hearts were gripped in hands of metal and ice from the sheer dread of the Dark Side washing through the universe.

But for one Eternal in particular that had the greatest presence in the Force despite still being a Padawan, he felt the scream of the Force like a powerful gust of wind threatening to push him off his feet. There is something else as well in the nature of the Force that brought up memories years ago on a desert planet with a loving mother and a lonely brother. He could not help but look in one single direction to Mustafar and could feel as though his relative is standing right in front of him.

The hammer of dark metal forged from matter forced into a specific component through the power of the Dark Side was raised yet again above Sauron's head. Fire and smoke from below swirled around the head of the tool like a funnel, empowering the Dark Side energies the metal was made from. The Force of the Light screamed in protest of this defilement as the mountain was filled with the screams of a hundred men in agony. Sauron and the Dark Side drank in that anguish greedily and the hammer was brought down again.

"Ash nazg u sundog ul."

One Ring to conquer them.

The impact of the hammer upon the One Ring sent out a quake in the Force that affected both sides. Throughout the galaxy, all those Force-sensitive felt the greatest tremor in the Force that put dread in their hearts. When they closed their eyes, it is to see an eye of shadow and flame with a gaze to pierce metal, stone, and flesh.

Within the halls of the Senate and in the office of current and Acting Supreme Chancellor, the one known as Genarra, her composure of a politic broke as her eyes bled. She could feel the quake in the Force and how the Light side is screaming. But what put shook Genarra to her core is the laughter of the Dark Side, and the brush of another presence in the Dark Side more powerful than she has ever seen. A part of her wanted to lash out in a mix of anger, worry, and fear, but oddly she felt a sense of. . . inevitably.


"Ash nazg u baj uku."

One Ring to make eternal.

In the reaches far from the Galactic Republics', three entities, the Ones, that embodied Dark, Light, and Balance suddenly turned their heads to the source of the quake in the Force. A power that seemed to drain the limitless energies of the Force like a drain to one singular point. So much being forcefully taken away that the very universe could feel it. In the center of the Maw, a former entity of Chaos within the Force paused in her meditations and looked in shock at the rising power that is somewhat rivaling her own in the Force. She tried to stretch her presence to entice this source of power, but to her shock her own presence in the Force was pushed away, and for the first time in a long while Abeloth, also called Mourning felt a hint of fear seeing a great eye of flame that simply felt wrong in the universe.


"Ash nazg u barash ulub draut agh ishi the burzum krimp ul."

One Ring to crush their light and in the darkness bind them.

The last strike of the hammer proved to be the last. It is the one where he poured all his malice, cruelty, and wrath of his very being into the ring, and upon impact a visible blue wave of pure Force energy unleashed itself. Rock of the mountain cracked like glass, and the magma below was forcefully simmered down. The wave of Force energy continued to expand across the surface of Mustafar. In its wake, every volcano suddenly erupted and every tectonic plate below was shaking or crumbling apart into smaller pieces. Mines of companies were unable to last as magna erupted and drowned them in fire. That day, over one million workers died in an instant. No survivors.

Outside the reaches of the galaxy, a massive fleet of ships of organic make are flying through N.A.T.O. space. They are the Yuuzhon Vong, a people bent formerly on conquest and war; now, they are a more peaceful culture and people under the Golden Goddess- Sentress. This thirst of blood is caused by the Force rejecting them via the destruction of their homeworld, leaving thr Vong in constant pain. The Vong had destroyed the galaxy they came from and had decades to adapt peacefully to the new one

Such thoughts of conquest are momentarily cut off. Pain and anger are drowned by inexplicable unease, or even fear. Despite cut off from the Force, the whole Vong race could feel its screams and the tremors that shook the universe. Destiny itself has been changed, and no one can stop the rise that will come.

Authors Note: May God and the Force have mercy on everyone and everything😳🙏.

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