Chapter 1: Everfree

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Y/N: A bright and sunny day sweeps the land of Equestria! The birds are singing, and winds are blowing a cool and refreshing breeze........ and here I am, completely and utterly lost!

I fell to my knees and slightly cried at my situation. I looked around, hoping to find some kind of marker to indicate where I was, but to no avail.

Y/N: I can find Ponyville! I can make it there on my own! I'll be fine! Agh!

I shouted into the sky, watching birds fly away in different directions. Taking several deep breaths, I calmed myself before trying to think about how to handle my situation.

Y/N: Maybe I'm forgetting something in my bag that might help.

As I slipped it off, something jumped at me. It fortunately missed me, but it grabbed my bag.

Y/N: Hey!

A small cub Ursa currently tried its best to tear apart my bag before taking one look at me and taking off into the forest.

Y/N: My stuff! Wait! Bring it back!

I start chasing the Cub as it makes it way deeper and deeper into the forest. That bag had everything to make sure I could survive a few weeks on my own in Ponyville. There was no way I was gonna let it go that easy. After it ran through some bushes, I ended up throwing cation to the wind and charged through. However... I quickly realized the lack of ground on the other side.

Y/N: Uh oh.

Tumbling down the sloped hill, I ended up rolling through some mud until I slammed against something.

Y/N: Ow....

???: Is there someone there? Old or new? Friend or foe, I shall know soon.

Hearing this voice, I tried to get my bearings but couldn't even manage to stand without falling over.

Something unexpected... a Pony holding what I think was a very large and painful looking stick jumped out from around the corner. She pointed the sharpened edge at me.

???: You are really bad at sneak attacks, now turn back or get a sharp smack.

Y/N: Wait! Wait! I'm just incredibly lost! I wasn't trying to attack you or anything!

???: Hmm....

She narrows her eyes as if trying to see if I was lying or not. Eventually, she flips the sharpened edge of the stick away from me.

???: Very well, you are not a threat. Follow me inside so you don't get wet.

Y/N: So I don't get wet? What are you-

The sound of cracking thunder and realizing how dark the sky had become led me to the obvious conclusion. I followed the stranger inside a hollowed tree and saw that this was actually her home.

Various masks hung on the walls, and jars and bottles of various shapes and sizes were tucked away in the crevices of the tree. I moved closer towards them, trying to read the labels only to be hit by a towl in the face.

???: Dirt and mud cover you heavily. Please wash up to check for any injuries.

Y/N: Oh, uh....sure?

I was shoved into a bathroom and got to look at myself in the mirror. I was practically coated from head to toe in mud. I couldn't show up to Ponyville like this.

Y/N: Okay, just wash up, thank the mystery lady, and leave.

It has actually been some time since I had a proper shower, and I ended up taking a little longer than I expected. Examining myself, I spotted several cuts and bruises. Thankfully, none of which were in any embarrassing area's. As I dried myself off, I peaked out into the small room, but I didn't see the mystery lady anywhere.

Y/N: Uhhh, hello? I finished washing up! And I'm gonna be taking my leave now!

As I reached for the door handle , I suddenly pulled back and sat down.

???: Zecora is what I am called.

Y/N: Hi... I'm Y/N.

Zecora: Y/N is now a friend of mine, and I shall see it that you leave just fine.

Y/N: Oh. Okay, well, it's good to meet you, Zecora, and thank you for the hospitality.

After about a minute or two, she left the room and came back with a small bottle with questionable pink liquids.

Zecora: A sip of this and your Aches and Pain will disappear, then you may leave from here.

She pops the cork off of the bottle and hands it to me.

Y/N: W-well.....if you say so...

Taking a large sip, I waited for something awful to happen, but after getting a small blueberry after taste, I suddenly realized my cuts were disappearing. I also felt a sudden burst of energy.

Y/N: That's amazing, Zecora!

Zecora: Glad I am to lend a helping hand. Tell me what brought you to this little land?

Y/N: I...uh...well, I had an audience with Queen Celestia, and to be honest, I got little lost. Where am I exactly?

Zecora: The Everfree forest is where I reside.

Y/N: Everfree? Wait, so that means‐

Zecora: Lost you were, but not anymore. Follow the road ahead, and you'll find what you're looking for.

In a strange and well-timed moment, the rain had stopped. I assumed the sun was now out, but given how thick the treeline were and how dark the forest was, it was kinda hard to tell. The path ahead didn't help matters either. A grove of twisted and prickly vines shrouded in fog and darkness made this a little scarier than it should be.

Y/N: T-through there?

Zecora simply nods

As I mentally prepared myself to leave, I remembered I wanted to ask Zecora something.

Y/N: You.....didn't happen to see a small Ursa cub run by here.....did you?

Zecora: Troublesome cub ran by. Dropped a bag, then ran to hide.

Y/N: Would you happen to have the bag?

She went inside and brought the shredded remains of my bag.

Zecora: There were many things inside, but it seems nothing survived.

Y/N: Something important did...

I pulled a photo that was barely being held together. Letting out a heavy sigh, my sadness caught Zecora's eyes.

Zecora: What is the matter friend of mine?

Y/N: It's nothing, Zecora. Thank you for helping and for well, pointing me in the right direction. I'll come back and visit soon, okay?

Zecora: Friend of mine, you are welcome back anytime.

As I go for a hoof shake, she pulls me in for a hug instead. Honestly, it felt kinda nice. I wave goodbye as I confidently walk down the path and hopefully towards town.

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