Chapter 9 (Intermission)

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(General Pov)

Rainbow Dash: So, it's settled.

Applejack: Seems like it.

Rarity: I look forward to it.

Fluttershy: It'll be so much fun.

Pinkie Pie: I can't wait to party!

Twilight: I'll make sure to have a variety of games to play!

Sunset Shimmer: I'll get the movie.

Rainbow Dash: It should be something scary!

Fluttershy: O-oh but not too scary.

Rainbow Dash: Right, right, sure.

The pony friends eagerly planned for a sleepover while passing time at Sweet Snacks Cafe. Y/N carrying several plates of sweets gave one to each of them.

Y/N: Ladies. Your orders.

Twilight: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: I'm helping Pinkie Pie for the day.

Pinkie Pie: And you're doing a great job!

Y/N: Thank you.

Pinkie Pie: Now back to work!

Y/N: Yes! Mam!

He quickly disappears and reappears behind the counter, attending to the other ponies.

Applejack: Have you been teaching him your little disappearing trick?

Pinkie Pie: He's a fast learner.

After a while, Pinkie closes the store early to begin preparing for the "party."

Y/N: So, you're closing early because of......a sleepover?

Pinkie Pie: Uh huh!

Y/N: Sounds like fun.

Pinkie thought she could feel a hint of envy coming from Y/N's voice.

Pinkie Pie: Do..... you wanna stop by? I can ask if-

Y/N: I appreciate the offer, but I think it'd be awkward if I did. Besides, I've got something else I need to take of.

Pinkie Pie: Okie Dokie then! See you later Y/N! Hey, that rhymes!

They each go there separately way.


"And with that! The day is saved thanks to the SUPER RAINBOW PONY TEAM 5!"

The 6 pony friends cheer as their movie comes to an end.

Rainbow Dash: That was awesome! It had action! Suspense! And, and-

Sunset Shimmer: I'm glad you liked it.

Fluttershy: *Yawn*

Pinkie Pie: Now that you mention it, Fluttershy *Yawn* I am feeling kinda partied out.
Applejack: It does seem like a good time to tuck in.

Rarity: I have extra face masks if anyone wishes to try one.

Pinkie Pie: Oh! Pick me!

Twilight: Well, ladies, time for bed.

(A bit later.....)

As the moon hovers over Equestria and the winds whisper through the trees along with Pinkie Pie having multiple face masks on her...Fluttershy is awoken by the sounds of a strange sound.

Fluttershy: H-H-Hello? I-Is someone there?


Fluttershy: It's was just the wind.

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