Chapter 1

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School bells ring as a flood of students burst through the doors of Storybrooke High School. In the sea of students walks a redheaded girl with light, gentle, and caring features. She waved and smiled as people acknowledge her while leaving the school. Everyone in the United Realms  adored her, no one could ever  wrap their fingers around why she was so loved. There was just something special about her that made everyone want to know her. Her name was Hope.  

"You should go to that party tomorrow night, everyone's going." Hopes' best friend Avery says as they walk out of the school doors. "Yeah, I'm not really into parties. Plus I don't know if I will be back in time,  my dad's making me miss school to go on the ship tomorrow." Hope says with a small smile, Avery lets out a laugh, "You mean you don't like parties without structure, parties with alcohol and smoking." Hope playfully role her eyes," You know what those things do to your body. Plus you forget I have a pirate as a father, he would freak." Not only did hope disagree with underaged activities, she didn't need them. She was one of those girls that didn't need intoxication to feel free. Her life was one big adventure. "Don't you ever get tired of your dad being, well... old fashioned?" Avery asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm used to it. I honestly kind of like it, he sees the world differently." Hope said, ironically. She also saw the world differently, but she always saw the good in people. She looked past the darkness and pulled out the light.

"Hey, look pretty boy wants to talk to you." Avery says nudging Hopes arm with a goofy smile as Luke Teach, the most popular guy at Storybrooke High walks toward the two girls. Like Hope Luke was loved by everyone, except he was a year older than her, and was less shy. Luke was a junior, played baseball, and was constantly at parties. Hope smiled shyly as the tall, handsome boy approached her, "Hey, Hope!" He greeted kindly. "Oh, hi," Hope said sweetly but nervously. "I'm gonna go, have fun!" Avery whispered in Hopes ear. " I was wondering if you would maybe want to have dinner at Granny's or something on Saturday night?" Luke said looking down at Hope while brushing his dirty blonde hair out of his face as the wind blew. "Yeah, that sound great." Hope says looking up at him.  As the two have their conversation, Hopes father, Killian Jones pulls up to the front of the school not far from where Hope and Luke were talking. Killian honks the horn of the old, yellow bug, "Come on Hope." Hope looks over at her dad and back at Luke smiling embarrassedly. "Sorry about that, he can be a bit protective at times." She says laughing. He laugh with her, "That's alright. 6 o'clock at Granny's Saturday?" "I'll see you there." she says with a smile as she walks towards the bug.

"Hey love, how was school?" Hopes father says as she gets into the car. "It  was good," she responds, trying to hide the smile from her previous conversation. She didn't want him asking, Killian had been co-sheriff with Mason Teach, Luke's older brother, since she was 5. If her father found out about the possibility of the two dating he would surely tell  Mason. Not that either of them would be against it, Hope just wanted it to be private until it was a for sure thing that her and Luke would be more than friends. They were close when they were little, pretty much best friends, but slowly grew apart as they got older. Hope had always secretly liked him, she just never really acknowledge it. Maybe it was time she did.

 The red headed girl thought about the old memories of her friendship with the kind, tall, blonde boy as she looked out the window seeing the citizens of Storybrooke whisp by on the streets as her father drove. She remembered the subtle feeling of butterflies in her stomach as she talked to him. "You ready for tomorrow?" her father asked, "Hm?" she said coming out of her deep thought. "Tomorrow, are you excited?" He repeated glancing over at her, then looking back at the road. "Yeah, it's been too long since we've gone out on the water." Hope said happily, she loved the water, she always found it so calming. 

Later that night, at dinner, the happy family talk about their day's and enjoyed each others company. As the family finished up their laughter, Killian asked," So what were you and Luke so awkwardly talking about when I got to school today?" Hope looked up surprised that he brought it up since, they had known each other for so long, " Uhm," she said giggling lightly, " I knew it!" Emma said joyfully, " Since you two were little I knew you liked each other." "I mean I wouldn't go that far." Hope responded earning a look from both her parents, "He did ask me to go to dinner on Saturday though." She admitted with an embarrassed smile. Her mother smiled cheekily as she began to pick up the dishes, Hope got up from the table and went up to her room as she began packing a bag for the boat trip with her father the next day.    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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