-Added Bamboo
-Added Barrels
-Added Bells
-Added Blast Furnaces
-Added Cartography and Fletching Tables
-Added Composter
-Added Cornflowers, Lily of the Valley and Wither Roses
-Added Grindstone
-Added Jigsaw Blocks
-Added Lantern
-Added Lectern
-Added Loom
-Added 6 new Note Blocks sounds
-Added Scaffolding
-Added Signs for the rest of wood types
-Added 14 new Slabs and Stairs
-Added Smithing Table
-Added Smoker
-Added Stonecutters
-Added Sweet Berry Bushes and Sweet Berries
-Added 12 new Walls
-Added Banner Patterns
-Added Crossbow
-Added 4 new dyes
-Added Leather Horse Armor
-Added 7 Spawn Eggs
-Added Suspicious Stew
-Added Stray Cats
-Added Foxes
-Added Brown Mooshroom
-Added Pandas
-Added Pillagers, Ravagers and Ravager Jockeys
-Added Wandering Trader and Trader Llamas
-Added Loading animation of world
-Added Bamboo Forest
-Added Pillager Outposts
-Added Snow Tundra Villages
-Added Illager Patrols and Raids
-Added Bad Omen and Hero of The Village Effects
-Added /loot, /schedule and /teammsg
-Added 7 Advancements
-Added 2 Death Messages
-Added 3 Enchantements
-Added Accessibility Options
-Added 3 Particles
-Added 13 Splashes
-Added Loading Bar to Starting Game Screen
-Added 11 Statistics
-Brewing Stands, Cauldrons spawns in Villages now
-Brewing Stands are Cleric job site
-Carpets and Stained Glass Panes can be dyed
-Cauldrons are Leatherworker job site
-Chorus Flowers are breakable by Arrow and Trident
-Added Sounds for Crops and Nether Wart
-Cut Sandstone and Red Sandstone are available in Grindstone
-Shears can be used by Dispenser
-Redstone can be placed on Glass
-Leaves now drops Sticks
-Changed Recipe for Nether Brick Fence
-Renamed Sign to Oak Sign
-Signs can have dyed text
-Smooth blocks are available in Grindstone
-TNT now drops 100% blocks
-Vines don't need support block to climb
-Beetroot Soup and Rabbit Stew recipe is Shapeless
-Improved Book and Quill
-Dead Bush can be used as fuel
-Renamed Dyes
-Lapis, Bone Meal, Ink Sac and Cocoa Beans aren't dyes anymore
-Changed model of Totem of Undying
-Mobs can sleep on bed
-Hitboxes changed
-Cats and Ocelots are splitted to 2 different entities
-Creepers can drop Music Discs from Strays
-Dolphins cant have armor
-Iron Golems spawns in Villages
-Parrots can imitate 3 new mobs
-Villages are different depending on biome
-New Villager, Mason
-Revamped Trading
-New Villagers AI
-Villagers have XP
-Vindicators can break down doors
-Tamed Wolf kills counts as Player kills
-Swamp Huts now generate with Black Cat
-Combining Broken Tools are replaced by Grindstone
-Lighting is Rewritten
-You can Sneak under Slabs
-Changed 6 Advancements
-Walls are now in Decorative Blocks
-New Sound System
-Removed 4 Splashes
-New Textures
-226 Bug Fixes1.14.1
-Added 3 Splashes
-Campfires can be lit by Flaming Arrows
-Updated Texture of Crafting Table, Iron Ore and Leather Horse Armor
-Lighting Fixes in Villages
-60 Bug Fixes1.14.2
-Added Vietnamese, Hebrew, Armenian and Runic Symbols to Font
-Flaming Arrows can't lit waterlogged Campfires
-Empty Shulker Boxes won't drop themselves if in Creative Mode
-Parrots can spawn on Grass Blocks
-35 Bug Fixes1.14.3
-Added /gamerule disableRaids
-Added Bashkir and Gothic Languages
-Lanterns can now be attached to Glass Panes and Iron Bars
-Pressure Plates and Torches can be placed on Glass Panes and Iron Bars
-Vindicators aren't part of patrol
-82 Bug Fixes1.14.4
-Added /debug
-Added 1 Splash
-Suspicious Stew from Poppies gives Night Vision
-54 Bug Fixes