Wasting Time

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A man walked into Varya's apartment. He looked at the person with light red hair tied in a loose bun. "Oh yea, I'll call you on my way home Phill, then dosen't even check their phone." varya jumps up hand hovering over the closest weapon. "Damn it Phill"

"Thought you had those freaky assassins' freaky senses," Varya sighs while bringing their stuff in from outside. "It was a long case" "I can tell" he gestures to the open cigarette pack. "are your smoke detectors off" Varya gave the man a glare.

"What was the case about?"

"Newlywed couple had twisted the last 3 steps of sobriety." "Damn, you guys caught them?" "nope the guy killed his wife. He got shot trying to escape," "first case hitting a little close huh," "yup,' Varya popped the 'p' and lit a cigarette.

Varya cleaned up their kitchen before entering a number into a keypad on the wall. Metal covers all entry and exit ways, turning the room into a SCIF. "you have to appreciate Tony's paranoia." Phill looked around. "So Doyle has new whereabouts" "I added to your file this afternoon. We are 89% sure on the route he took to Europe from there we have to wait to see what contacts do what." Phill points out the route on a map within the file varya was once reading.

"If I were him, I would feel as if I had two choices. Go back to where I last was regroup mentally and possibly physically but that hold problem with law enforcements and new tenants. Option 2 is contacts the ones I have the closest ties with or owe me a lot and regroup with their help. The question is who was he closest with," "I'll update furry, see if we have any leads on contacts"

Varya flipped through the file. Pulling pictures out and writing a list down on a piece of paper. "These people are the most likely to owe him something." "okay we can run it. You get some rest. You have work in the morning"

Phill turned off the SCIF. "Phill really what am I 12? It is only 9 pm," "and go lay down relax or whatever you do to relax," "punching bag?" "off limits until morning FRIDAY will make sure of it," varya scoffed.

The rest of the night was painful for varya. They had steam they wanted to burn off desperately, but they couldn't. So they spent the evening teaching Antwanette and Terri tricks.

The next day was a repeat as before the same morning routine. Same repetitive nature. Same amount steps to her car. Same route to work. Some may say this is anal behavior, but they engrave the repetitive nature in her brain. From the age of 5 to 23, she had to do the same repetitive steps. Same order at the same time. This time, Dr. Reid wasn't there. When they got to the office, everyone was already there.

"Did I miss the memo on coming in early?" "Hey Holland, welcome to your first post case paperwork day," "you make it sound like it is fun," they both chuckle.

Varya gets situated at their desk to get started. Everything was going smoothly. Small talk floated through the team. Dr. Reid had finished his paperwork, so he was reading a new book.

Emily had just returned from submitting some of her paperwork. "Hey Holland, Hotch needs you" varya nods before heading up.

The door was open, so she didn't even knock. She just went in and sat down. He was filling out some stuff, so she just sat in silence. After a couple minutes she speaks up "sir-" all he did was lift up his finger to tell her to wait.

Varya knew exactly what he was doing. Trying to assert his dominance over the situation. Varya had seen it too many times in her life. Gage someone they can sit in silence. How long does it take to get them to twitch?

Varya just sat blankly, staring at Hotchner. Occasionally, she would look at the items around his office. Very surface except his desk was immaculate. Not one thing out of place. But his desk was messy, with stacks of files all over it.

Over an hour had passed when the team got concerned. Garcia had joined the group in the bullpen. "Have either of them even moved" "Varya spoke at the beginning, but that is it," Reid informed them. "They've been in there for precisely an hour and 37 minutes not talking" "normally he just makes them wait maybe 10 minutes at most"

"It would make sense that he is making Varya wait longer," Reid shrugged. "What do you mean?" Garcia questioned. "Well, Hotch was told that the team needed a new member and during the last case they we constantly arguing Hotch clearly didn't trust her."

Inside the office varya glanced at the clock in the bullpen through the window. She had enough of the team lead's games. She stood up and walked out of his office. "Holland, get back here" "No sir, you've spent the last hour and a half of my time. I have of work to do. When i finish my reports, I'll gladly sit in there and play whatever games you want to play" varya walked down to her desk.

As soon as she sat in her chair, she mumbled out "etot ublyudok" (that bastard). They flip though the papers on their desk "u menya yestʹ rabota, i ya trachu svoye grebanoye vremya" (I've got work to do and wastes my fucking time)

Everyone was cautious around varya. While they continuously muttered under their breath in different languages. Sooner than later Morgan worked up the courage to go talk to varya. He sat at the corner of their desk for a second, waiting until they looked up.

"yes," varya looked up. "It is Reid's turn to get lunch he says statistically. you would want some Russian food for lunch." Varya scrunched their nose. "I mean, I would eat it, but I want to down a greasy American burger right now," Derek nodded. "yea I call him"

Once Reid arrived with food, everyone on the team went to the round table room to eat minus Hotch, who was working in this office.

"So Holland, how was your first case?" Rossi taps his napkin against his face. "you know I was okay. Wish the unsub didn't twist up the 12 steps and it would have helped if agent Hotchner trusted me"

"don't worry holland he will eventually he is just irritated with the higher ups interfering with the team" Rossi breezes over the fully story. "by bringing me on the team"

"we just lost an agent by a direct order and gained a new one by another," "enough about all that Holland tells us about yourself," Garcia brights up the conversation.

"I'm sure you all read my file-" "what we could access" "what can I say a person got their secrets" varya smirked and leaned back "but ill answer some questions"

"why do you bounce around between D.C and New York so much? Spencer brought up. "I go where I'm needed and I have an attachment to the east coast"

"And why is that?" "well Prentiss, when I first moved to America, I hitchhiked all over the eastern seaboard." "53% of all hitchhikers get robed. Why do it with all the risks?"

"the fun of it. It was educational learned more in that year than any book on the states"

"what is with the goat and the bird?" "they were misfits needing a home and I know that feeling"

After lunch, varya went back to her paperwork. She didn't have much more to do, but she triple checked everything. It took about an hour to do.

After finishing, she took her paperwork up to Agent Hotchner's office. "here you go sir, all my paperwork is done" she sat in the chair in front of his desk getting conferrable. "lets talk sir"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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