𝟏𝟗. strawberries

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chapter nineteen

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chapter nineteen. strawberries
:: scottstreets

two days has passed since the incident where stella was helplessly drunk (it seemed like her summer consisted of only heartbreak and drinking). conrad had been drunk as well that night, and without stella's knowledge confessed to her younger sister that he liked her.

stella still was out of the loop but began to realize that something was off.

all of the kids— jere, steven, stella, conrad, and belly— were sitting at the dining table, feasting on the fresh fruit laurel and susannah bought at the farmer's market.

jeremiah and steven were scrolling through their phones, and belly was staring out the window mindlessly. stella was sitting on the very edge of the chair, attempting to create more space between conrad and herself. she would have sat where belly was sitting (diagonally and the furthest away from conrad), but conrad dragged her chair own and told her to sit, after taking a seat next to her.

he just loved to mock her. he'd kissed her, said it was nothing, then pulled shit like this.

stella fidgeted with her several bracelets.

"the deb ball's coming up."

"well it's near the end of august. there's still plenty of time." stella replied to jeremiah.

"yeah well, my mom's going to start going crazy. getting ready for big events like this is her favourite thing in the whole world."

"who are you guys even gonna take?" steven asked. "no guy would want to go with you two."

"fuck you, steven." belly punched her brother's shoulder.

as the two of them fought, and jeremiah returned back to his phone (texting whoever he was texting— probably gigi), conrad pushed the bowl of strawberries to stella, because he knew they were her favourite. he wanted her to have the first ones, before anyone else could taste the summer berries.

"mama, can me and connie go over there?" six year old stella tugged on laurel's dress.

the farmer's market in cousins was stella's number one summer spot when she was younger. she loved going there with conrad, susannah, and laurel. of course, belly, steven, and jeremiah would swim in the pool and run around in the backyard. but conrad and stella always liked doing something alone, so if conrad wasn't outside, stella would stay inside and put on a movie to watch, just the two of them.

"sure, make sure you don't leave, okay? stay here." laurel patted her girl's dark hair.

stella reached over to conrad and the two young kids ran over to the fruit section of the market.

the fisher family was well-known throughout cousins because of susannah's many charity events and involvement in the community. stella liked it when conrad was recognized everywhere by older ladies because they would give him money to buy ice cream. conrad would always buy two cones, one for stella and one for himself. if he didn't have enough money for two cones, he'd buy one for stella and stella would share it with the boy.

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