━━ chris is the blame

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𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦, chapter two !

( real life ! )


amara yelled loudly, music beaming from her house which caused her to sigh and roll her eyes dramatically, before she turned her body towards chris who was watching her with an amused smirk. "i'm climbing through my window, you coming?"

her voice had a little rasp to it, and chris' eyes widened so slightly it was practically unnoticeable. with a voice like that, it was basically impossible for him to decline. he wanted to say yes ma'am, yes ma'am, and yes ma'am over and over again.

she was still looking at him expectedly, her brows raised while her hands rested around the curves of her hips. he gave her a quick nod and couldn't refrain himself from saying... well: "yes ma'am."

she tried to hide her smile and rolled her eyes at the smugness in his voice, before turning around towards the tree placed right besides her window. before chris could even offer to help, she placed her foot on one of the branches, and started making her way towards her window like this was an everyday task for her.

spoiler alert: it was.

his eyes stated fixated on her as he watched her push the window open, biting down her bottom lip in concentration, before looking back at chris with a grin. "come." she nudged her head inside, before climbing in and dissapearing behind the curtains. he soon followed her steps, before eventually making it into the house and closed the window behind him.

he let out a small breath and pushed his hair back, before his eyes fell on amara rummaging through her drawer, mumbling the words. "i fucking hate him, i'll kill him in his sleep."

chris let out a breathless chuckle, and came to stand behind her, towering over her shoulder. "who?"

"louis, he stole my weed." she grumbled, opening her bedroom door with force which resulted into the music filling her room louder than before. she pulled the sleeve of chris' hoodie without looking back, dragging him along downstairs before letting go when she realised she had an act and reputation to keep.

"LOUIS!" she yelled, and her brother turned around in an instant, a confused smile entering his lips as one of his friends turned to music down. his smile quickly turned into a frown at her bothered state, and didn't have any time to ask questions before the blunt between his fingers got snatched in an eyeblink.

"what the-"

"what the fuck do you think you're doing with my weed?" she asked, her eyes narrowed as chris leaned back on the wall, watching the scene in front of him unfold as he rested his arms over his chest.

"you stole her za?" enya asked as drew his mouth opened in shock, smoke still exiting his lips. "that's fucked."

"yeah, not cool man." drew added, and enya scoffed before turning her body towards amara with a smile.

"what? no i didn't-"

he got completely ignored when enya wrapped her arms around his sister, both their smiles growing before enya glanced at chris behind them. she raised her brows, and amara looked back at chris for a split second, while he bowed his head down a little as he gave her a smug grin and small wave. the eye contact lingered for a second too long, and enya did not miss the unspoken look shared between the two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦, chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now