Chapter Seven

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I had only ever met one doctor in my day. He had come to our home when my father had been ill once.

He had been white-haired and round-bellied with pinched eyes and a rough nature that immediately made me uneasy.

I never expected my personal physician to be so handsome.

But there was no mistaking that was what Casimir was.

He was tall and finely built with dark blond hair and unexpectedly kind, brilliant green eyes.

His voice was kind as well. And calming, soothing away my nerves as they started to emerge.

And there were nerves.

Perhaps even more of them than I had about running an entire kingdom.

I had Tolliver to guide me in the ways of the court, as much as he clearly dreaded the task. He would do it. For the good of the kingdom.

But I had no one to help me not feel so strange about being nude in front of a man. Even a professional who had no personal regard for my body.

You would think it wouldn't be possible to feel so shy. I'd been fully exposed in front of many people since I was a girl.

But all women.

I never could have realized how different it would feel when the audience was a man.

Especially such a handsome man.

I didn't even begin to understand the way my body warmed, the way my breasts suddenly felt heavy, my nipples more sensitive even to the air as it moved around the room.

Then his hands were on me, and I had no way to describe the sensations as they coursed through me.

They were so acute and so alarming that I felt the need to ask him about them.

That was why he was there, was it not?

And he seemed to know more than I expected about the female body.

"Here?" Casimir asked, pressing a hand over mine. "Or here?" he said, putting his palm lower, where, in fact, the strange sensation originated, but I'd been too shy to admit.

"There," I told him, only feeling the sensation intensifying. "Is something very wrong?" I asked. An injury from the horse ride, perhaps? Some sort of internal complaint?

"No. It is nothing to concern yourself with. Unless it is bothersome," he told me, his gaze sliding to my face as he said that.

It certainly felt bothersome.

Somehow even more so with him standing so near with his hand pressed just above the most intimate part of me.

"Is there something to be done?" I asked, feeling an almost pulsating sensation between my thighs.

"There are two options. You can put your clothes back on and go about your day. The sensation will fade."

"Or?" I asked, not sure I would be able to focus on everything those around me were going to want me to pay attention to with the strange pulsing and pressure.

"Or I can make it go away now. But I would need to touch you."

"You're already touching me, sir," I told him, brows pinching at his sudden reticence.

"Yes, lady," he said, ducking his head a bit, his gaze intense on mine. "But I would need to touch you here," he said, his hand suddenly slipping lower, pressing that most intimate space between my thighs.

The Heir Apparent - a historical why choose, rh, poly, MMF, spicy romance ✅Where stories live. Discover now