Chapter 1

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Few things comforted her like the feeling of the hilt of her rapier in her hand, hot with the heat that her skin provided rather than cool as it rested with her other swords and daggers during the hours of the night when they were little more than decorative pieces. The sweat that dripped from her forehead and underarms was also a comfort. A strange sort of comfort that could leave her smelling worse than a warthog's rear on a hot summer day, but she found comfort in the familiar heat of her muscles as they burned. She found comfort in the chill that came when the cool morning breeze nipped at her flushed skin. The sort of shivering chill that made you feel as though you were coming down with a high fever.

Sparring was one of the few things that comforted her during the months that she spent in her family manor, without anything to do. There were only so many people who could come to visit her, and only so many places to explore. And the Escrime family had spent generations exploring the world of Twisted Wonderland. For them, the world was growing smaller every day.

Her opponent took a swipe at her with an uncapped sword and she quickly danced out of the way, bringing up her rapier to parry. She advanced. Her opponent retreated. Then he moved forward and it was her turn to back up.

She could feel the sweat dripping down her shoulder blades, rolling down the small of her back towards her hips. They had been sparring for the better part of the early morning, having started as soon as the sun rose, and already it was nearing eight o'clock. Eden would be expecting her back inside soon to get her ready for the rest of the day. It was time for this battle to end.

She glanced down at her feet, eyes hardening when she saw the polished heel of her boot a mere inch from the white line that had been painted on the cobblestone courtyard. Her grandfather had almost managed to push her out of the ring. She scolded herself for becoming so caught up in her thoughts and tightened her grip around her rapier. She pushed off, lunging towards her grandfather, forcing him back a few paces. She ducked under his arm as he swung at her and brought her sword up, the sharpened point a hair away from the bare skin of his neck. Escrimes never sparred with armour. Small nicks and bruises were to be expected when training, especially when training with the senior Escrimes.

"Well done, Y/N," her grandfather said, laughing deep in his stomach. "You've improved since our last fight."

Y/N smirked and bowed to her grandfather. Then, she headed off to the wooden bench along the walls of the courtyard where her things were waiting for her. The guards and knights in training would be out soon, ready for another day of intense practice, overseen by both her grandfather and grandmother. Her grandfather would teach the knights and guards the proper use of weaponry, while her grandmother would drill them relentlessly in stamina and speed. As always, the guards would end their day with written reflections that they would then turn in to her grandmother and grandfather to be reviewed. Her grandfather always said that reflection was the key to improvement.

"Are you going to practice with Dominique today," Y/N asked as she picked up her water bottle, lifting it to her lips and taking a long swig.

Her grandfather nodded. "Most likely, though Gabriel has already asked if we could spar just before lunch."

Y/N smirked at the mention of the youngest Escrime child. Gabriel was the baby of the family. Already seventeen but still the youngest and the most inexperienced. Y/N often sparred with him in her free time, drilling him as hard as her grandmother drilled the guards and the knights. And when they weren't sparring, Y/N was teaching him things like horseback riding, archery, and jousting. Archery was his favourite.

As Y/N bowed to her grandfather once more, her grandmother joined them in the courtyard, already dressed in her usual black tracksuit and running boots. Her grey and white hair was pulled up into a loose bun, and a whistle hung around her neck.

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