Never The Same Again

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This shits crazy
I swear i gave up on love

Idk why im still trying
It's diffrent this time

Everyday i stray from the person I once was
I wasn't just here for the body

I was there for the connection
The love

Ill never blame someone else
I blame myself for my own undoing

I chose to fall in love
But how do i choose what I feel

Is it even real
I just want to feel

Im tired of everything

My mind can no longer remember the pitch perfect world
It just sees the flaws more often than not

Now everybody wants me for what I've got
She'll meet me at our spot

Ill pretend the love is there
Knowing it faded a while ago

Searching, hoping it comes back
I can't hurt a person whose been nothing but good to me

But how do i explain that i just can't find it in myself to love them again

It lingers in the back of my mind
While im holding her

I no longer feel the warmth i used to
I don't want somebody new

Im not sure if i want anyone at all
The world's small

Buildings tall
If i was brave enough

Id jump.

Just to rid myself of these complex thoughts
I know it's selfish

But it's a lovely death wish

I understand there'd be pain
Or would there be?

Maybe itd be better
She'd find someone who could love her

And feel her warmth
And feel the real connection

It's a stretch
But so was the leap

The days will pass
And she'll find peaceful sleep

She'll move on
They always do...

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