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A/N: Thank you for giving my story a chance but I have a warning. Unfortunately i deleted the original ch1 WHICH WAS SO FREAKING WELL WRITTEN. And have had to completely rewrite it. So the first three chapters are definitely not the bastbut i PROMISE starting from the fourth chapter the story flows better and is WAY better written than these first three chapters. Please bear with me through these first few chapters. I'm begging you! If you don't like the fourth chapter and still don't like the story I apologise for wasting your time.

Edit: I'm not even kidding this sucks and some of these scenes are way to cliche and just downright awful💀

I'm currently rewriting this and I'm trying to pre plan everything at least a little bit so I don't leave major plot holes but it's really hard to balance school, soccer, and this all at once.


'This is fine.'

'Everything's fine

'I'm fine, you're fine, we're all Fine'

She was lying to herself.

None of this was fine.

Her school uniform was still in the dryer.

Her two younger brothers took her phone to God knows where.

Her hair wasn't brushed yet.

Her parents were yelling for her to hurry up.

And she couldn't find her shoes.

Nice right?

What an absolutely lovely morning.


That would be her mother.
"You're running behind schedule!"
Sachi dashed out of her room to the staircase bannister. "I know! Would it be possible for you to drop me off today?"
"No, your father and I have a meeting with Endeavor at nine! You need to catch that train!" To hell with Endeavour! What about her merits? If she was late she would lose two of her stupid merits! That wouldn't be healthy for her pride. She sighed tiredly and dragged herself back to her room. Currently she was losing her mind looking for her beautiful pride and joys; her glorious Doc Martens. Tossing dirty clothes that should be in her laundry basket off the floor and onto her bed as she searched. She needed to wash her sheets anyway.

"you need to hurry up, otherwise you'll need to ask Ayame for a ride." She could hear heels click against the floor as her mom walked back to the kitchen.

That put a bit more pep in her step. She would rather do pointe for 24 hours than ask "angel" Ayame for a ride. She would hold it over her head for weeks on end.
"Where the hell are my shoes?" She groaned as she foraged through her closet. She tossed a few clothes on the ground into a laundry hamper disappointedly and gave up. She would look for them after she grabbed her uniform out of the dryer. Maybe they would magically reveal themselves when she got back?

She snatched her bag off of the floor and bolted down the stairs, sprinting to the laundry room; Hoping and praying that her father wouldn't see her running through the expansive halls. He would lose it, He would excel at being a drill sergeant if he really wanted to.
She slid into the laundry room and quickly opened the dryer, snatching out her still slightly damp uniform. She frowned when she looked at her white dress shirt. It had a few wrinkles still and sadly she just didn't have enough time to iron them out. She reluctantly changed out of her soft warm pj's and into her uncomfortable beige uniform.

She looked over her appearance in the reflection of a nearby mirror her mother had placed on the laundry room wall. Odd place to put a mirror right? However,it came in handy for situations such as this. She sighed and pouted this would have to do for now. She once again sprinted over to the staircase to find her brothers for questioning. Ryuji; a six-year-old who loves to ask questions (truly her older sister's apprentice). And Kenzo, a sarcastic ten-year-old who believes he knows everything.

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