New York

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( FYI, you are gonna be in New York for a year. So there's gonna be a lot of time skips)

It's a Monday morning. I didn't tell anyone that I was leaving except Luka.

Not even Marinette. No one at school would care, especially Marinette. We've spent the past three days avoiding each other.

My parents are so busy with the bakery that they couldn't see me off today.

I'm getting ready to walk into the airport. When I hear someone yell my name.

I look back and see Luka. I smile and hug him. He hugs me super tight. I drop my bag. "I love you," he says.

"I love you too," I pull back and kiss him.

He kisses me back. "Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?" He asks me.

"Luka," I say, looking down.

"it's ok, I know, but I'll be here when you come back," he says, smiling but upset, and I nod.

I kiss him again. "I'm plane's leaving soon," I say as we hug.

"I know," he lets me go.

He grabs my bag and walks me to my plane.

"Promise to keep in touch,"

"Promise," I kissed him one last time as I walked onto my plane and said goodbye after I beg him not to tell anyone the reason I left.

I don't want anyone to worry about me or think I left because of them, not even my sister.

My sister and I fight all the time, and we honestly hate each other, but I still can't do that to her.

After an 8 hour flight. I finally arrived in New York. I texted my co family, and they said that they're waiting for me outside the airport. I'm going to live with man and his teenage daughter who's my age. Apparently, he's a friend of the mayor of Paris.

I've seen pictures of what they both look like and when I head out of the airport.

I see them both holding up a sign with my name on it and welcome to New york.

I go to them and smile. "Hey, you must be Mr Lee and Zoe," I smile at them.

"HI, it's nice to meet you, I'm Zoe," she's says exactly.

"I'm y/n," I say smiling, wow, she's really pretty.

She has long blonde hair with a pink strip. Beautiful blue eyes, wearing a white flower tv shirt with a black leather jacket and yellow pants. She's really cute. And she seems really nice.

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Marinette gets to school Monday morning. She noticed that I wasn't there, but she didn't care.

She went about her day as if it was completely normal. She goes to all of her classes until finally she goes to Miss Bustier's class.

Miss Bustier takes attendance. When she finished taking her list, she noticed that she didn't see my name on it.

"That's weird, I didn't see y/n's name." Miss Bustier then notices that I'm not in school either. Miss Bustier calls the office, and the office tells her that I moved schools.

"Marinette, do you know why y/n moved schools? Was there a problem?" She asks Marinette.

Everyone looks at Marinette, confused. Marinette didn't even know that you moved schools. She wonders why you move schools and if it had anything to do with her.

When she gets home, she immediately asks our parents about it.

"Mom, dad, why'd y/n move schools?" Marinette asks, confused and notices I'm not home.

The Best Year Of My Life: Zoe Lee x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now