Shadow Howl

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"Y/n Dupain-cheng, this is the Miraculous of the Wolf, that will grain you the power of fear," he says, handing me a box.

I grab the box confused, looking at the pattern on the outside.

"Wait, how'd you know my name?" I look up, and he's gone.

"Uh, where'd he go?" I ask myself. I opened the weird box, and a strange light blue glow came from it as the light flew around me.

I slightly close my eyes, looking at the flying light the whole time.

The light goes right next to my face, and as an instinct, I close my eyes.

"What's up?" I hear a small, sweet, squeaky voice say. I open my eyes and see what looks like a small baby wolf.

"Uh, what are you?" I ask it.

"My name is Luna, I'm your new Kwami," she says, prideful.

"My Kwami?" I say confused.

"I have the power to make your enemies scared of you, I also get you super strength and other superhuman abilities," Luna says, smiling.

"So like Ladybug and Chatnoir," I say.

"Yep, the guardian of the Miraculous gave me to you. He thought you would be perfect for the job," she says with a smile.

I then remember my sister and Zoe. "I'm sorry, Luna, but I need to save my sister and friend. Can you help me?"

I put on the black beaded bracelet with the crescent moon, charm.

"Sure, can, just say. Luna time to howl," She says with a smile.

"Luna, time to howl," I say confused.

Suddenly, I'm in a black and gray bodysuit, I have wolf like ears and a fluffy tail with black boots. I also have fangs and sharp claws.

(Should I keep "Luna, time to howl," or should I change it to "Luna, full moon," btw Either way the detransformation will be "New Moon" Also this is a Miraculous I made up,)

I jump over to where I hear the fighting happening. Near the bay, by Luka's place.

I see Sole Crusher holding Marinette, I jump onto the hand that's holding her.

"Uh, who are you?" Marinette asks, confused. I smiled at her before cracking Zoe's hand.

She dropped Marinette, and I quickly jumped down to grab her. I jump over to an alleyway and set Marinette down in there.

I go back over to the fight. "Who is that?" Marinette asked Tikki.

"She has the Miraculous of the Wolf," Tikki says and then explains my power to Marinette.

When I go back, I see Chatnoir and Sole Crusher fighting.

Sole Crusher is about to step on Chatnoir, I jump over and help him.

"Hey, who are you?" Chatnoir asks flirty as I hover over him after pushing him out of the way.

"Names, Shadow Howl," I say with a smile.

"Hey, you two, are you going to flirt or fight?" We hear Ladybug yell.

I get off out of him and we start to help fight Sole Crusher.

"How did you get your miraculous?" Ladybug asks as we fight.

"Someone give it to me," I yell as I doubt Sole Crusher.

"Who?" She yells,

"Is this the time?" I yell back. We try to find her Akuma.

We then find out it's in her shoes. The pair of shoes the two of us both had.

I need to talk to her after all of this. And ask her about what she said to me. Did she mean all that?

We get to her house and find the shoes in a seller, on the roof. Ladybug breaks the shoes, and the Akuma comes flying out.

Zoe gets transformed back to her normal self. I quickly run over and help her up.

"W-what happened?" Zoe asked as she stood up.

"You were akumatized, but don't worry, everything is fine now," Ladybug said with a smile.

Ladybug then took some kind of chaim out of her yoyo and handed it to Zoe.

"Here, this will make it so you can never get Akumatized even again," Ladybug said we a smile.

Ladybug and Chatnoir 'pound it' when I went to walk away.

"Wait, we need to talk," Ladybug said to me as I turned around to her and Chatnoir.

The three of us jump onto the Eiffel Tower to talk. "Who gives you a Miraculous?" Ladybug asked.

"It was some old man, my Kwami said he was the Guardian of the Miraculous, he said something about finding the right person," I said.

"I don't know who you are, but until I can prove you're telling the truth, you need to hand your Miraculous to me," Ladybug said, holding out her hand.

"Wait, but we can't know who she is," Chatnoir said.

"Fine, we'll go to the sewer," Ladybug said.

"No," I say.

"What?" Ladybug says, surprised.

"The Guardian gave me my Miraculous, if he wants it back, then he can get it from me," I say, jumping away from them.

"Now, what?" Chatnoir asks.

"I don't know, but I need to talk to Master Flo," Ladybug says.

I go down into an alley after getting far enough away from them. I feed my Kwami and then run off to try to find Zoe.

I get a text from Adrian saying there's going to be a party at Luka's and that Zoe will be there.

I don't want to see Luka, but I need to talk to Zoe. I go home and sit in my room waiting for it to be time.

"Humans are so weird, What is this stuff?" Luna asks as she goes through my room.

"Just don't break anything," I say to her. I texted Adrian, talking to him about how I don't want to see Luka, but I need to speak to Zoe.

"If you don't want to go so bad, then don't go," Luna says, going through my sketchbook.

"It's not that I don't want to go it's just that I don't want to see him," I explain.

"Is this Luka your ex or something?" She asks.

"Something like that," I say leaning back in my chair. "But now he's dating my sister," I say.

"The one you hate," Luna asks.

"No, I don't hate her it's just, Oh My God, Marinette," I jump out of bed and run up to her room, yelling her name.

'What?" She asks, confused as she climbs down from her bed.

"Oh my god, Marinette, I was worried about you," I say to her as I hug her tightly.

"What?" She says, confused.

"You were attacked, how could I not be worried," I say.

"I'm surprised you care," she says, still a little confused.

"Of course I care, Marinette, you're my sister," I say, looking into her eyes.

She looks surprised but smiles before hugging me again.

"Y/n, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now... we need to talk, I need to tell you how sorry I am,"

Words: 1164

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