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(Y/Ns POV)

I arrived at Red's office and knocked on the door. 'I wonder what he wanted me for.' I think as I wait for the door to open. When it did open Red stood ther with flowers. "Red...what's going on?" I ask feeling my face heat up. Red sighs and walks up to me handing me the flowers. "I...." he begins to say as he sweats. "I LOVE YOU Y/N!!!" Red blurts out as his  face gets so red it looks like its glowing. I stood there in disbelief of what I had just heard Red say. 'He likes me like that?!' I thought as my face felt like it was burning from all the blushing. "You love me?" I ask a bit surprised.  "Yes and I have for a while now." He says looking at his feet. "Oh Red." I say putting a hand/paw in front of my mouth. "I understand if you don't like me back.." Red begins to say before I tackle him into a hug. "I LOVE YOU TOO RED!!!!" I scream as I hug him. I could tell he was shocked I returned his feelings cause it took a minute before he hugged me back.  I let go of him and wipe the tears of joy from my eyes/eye. "Y/N...will you be my girlfriend?" He asks making my heart skip a beat.

"YES!" I shout as I burst into more tears of joy. "Y/N wait why are you crying!?" He asks worried. "These are happy tears Red, I've liked you for a while too." I say wiping my tears. "So should we go share the news?" Red asks scratching the back of his neck. "Yes they will be so happy for us, I know it." I say grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the office.

(Blue's POV)

I was sitting in the theater playing (favorite board game) with Yellow Orange and Purple while Cyan told Green about the new bug she caught when Y/N bursts in dragging Red close behind. All of us look at them (Green just faced the direction the sound came from) confused. "Guys we have some news!!!' Y/N shouts excitedly. "What is it can't you see we're in the middle of something." Purple says a bit annoyed. "Hey let them tell us." Green says making me look at him confused even though he's blind and cant see my confused face. "Me and Y/N are....boyfriend and girlfriend." Red says making my head whip around as all our jaws dropped except Green and Purple. "YOUR A COUPLE!!?" Cyan shouts excitedly as she rushes past completely wrecking our board game in the process. "HEY CYAN OUR GAME!!!" Purple shouts. "Its not like I was about to beat you anyway Purple." Yellow says gaining a glare from Purple. "Congrats you two!" Green says while staring at a wall. "You two were the only Rainbow Friends who weren't dating anyone yet, so it makes sense you would get together." Orange says shrugging as he eats some of his chips. "Wait does that mean Cyan and Yellow...." Y/N starts to say before she starts squealing. "OMG MY SHIP HAS ALREADY SAILED!!!" She screams letting go of Red's arm. "You shipped us?" Cyan asked confused. "YES YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" Y/N continues fangirling. "Y/N calm down." Red says putting his hand on her arm which was honestly adorable. "Sorry about that." She says noticing Green covering his....well where his ears would be if he had them. 'Wait if Green has no ears then how does he hear?' I think to myself. "Well Its good to know your happy Y/N, even if it means your dating Red of all people" Purple says whispering that last part. I can understand why Purple would be concerned about Y/N dating Red, especially since Red is the reason we're all Rainbow Friend's to begin with.

(Red's POV)

I could tell Purple wasn't thrilled about all this since he is Y/Ns best friend. The good thing about Purple being gay is that I know he wasn't trying to steal her from me. I watch as Purple returns to they're vents a bit annoyed at the fact Cyan ruined they're board game. I looked up/down at Y/N. 'I can't believe she likes me back.' I thought feeling a smile form on my almost nonexistent lips.

I'm sorry it's so short but it's the confession chapter so YAY  Red finally confesses to you!!!!

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