Lil update.

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Hi sorry I'm not really on wattpad anymore, if you actually wanna chat dm me, I'm super happy to chat I just don't check notifications anymore.

Anyways it's summer and with summer comes some confusing feelings, mainly boredom and depression and not feeling motivated. I'm on adhd meds, I'm not really sure if they're doing anything. Um sry this is so bland and disorganized.

I told myself I would sleep and exercise and get stuff done, but that's not happing. My normal day looks like waking up at 11:00 pm and sitting on the couch till 2, making basic food, sitting on the couch till one of my parents gets home at 4 or 5. Eating dinner. Going on a walk, maybe showering. Then "going to sleep" at 10:30

Ya see, after "going to sleep" is when all the cool stuff happens, beacuz I told myself. "I'll go to bed at 11:30!" The 11:30 became 12:30 and then it was 1:00 and then 2:00 and now it's 2:30 Am.

Funny thing is, you need sleep to live, but when past 10:30 I do amazing stuff. I'm more productive and motivated then ever! I write storys, I draw amazing stuff. I read for hours. I can create and understand and learn better than ever, and of course there are bad nights. Where I feel sad or overwhelmed. But those are rare when I've got something to do. Like right now I'm gonna write till 2:00 ( it's 12:05 rn) and then work out and go to sleep. But I know when I wake up I'm gonna feel dull, not tired just dull.

Having a sleep schedule that moves around is really bad for you. People need something consistent that gives them 8 hours. Even if you sleep from 10: am to 6:00 pm if you sleep like that consistently you're gonna be healthy. That's my only problem. My sleep schedule moves so much it makes me feel like shit.

Anyways. Thanks for reading lol. love you all. Please take care

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