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It was getting kinda late and the boys were getting quite tired. So we called it a night and headed to bed. Me and Gaege went to my room and I set up the bed for him. I had a small couch in my room that would fold out into a bed. My ex had given me this couch and I just decided to keep it.

"Alright, here is your bed! If you need anything feel free to ask me. Don't be scared to wake me up." I said. "Hey, do you speak Taco Bell like Eddie?" Gaege asked. I chuckled at that and replied with "ya I do. I mean I am his sister after all." Gaege said something but I couldn't quite understand what he said.

Gaege Pov:

It was getting late and I was getting kinda tired. Y/n took me to her room to make my bed. I wanted to ask if she needed help but I didn't want to ask too many questions. Once my bed was ready I got in. Y/n told me that I could ask her anything if I needed to. So I took the opportunity to ask "Hey do you speak Taco Bell like Eddie?" Sh*t. Why the f*ck would I ask that?! She probably thinks I'm so weird. But then I heard her laugh and she said "Ya I do. I mean I am Eddie's sister after all." "I mean you just seem too pretty to be Eddie's sister" I said under my breath. F*ck! I hope she didn't hear that.

Y/n pov:

I woke up to hear yelling coming from the living room. I got up quietly so I didn't wake up Gaege. I walked to the living room to see Eddie yelling at someone. "Eddie, what is going on?" I asked "this girl just walked in and when I went to see who it was she started yelling at me and telling me to get out." Eddie replied. I looked at the girl and realized that it was Abby! "Oh my god! Abby! This is Eddie! My brother!" I told her. "Oh sh*t I'm so sorry i thought you were some random hobo who walked in y/n's house!" Abby said. "What the f*ck is happening right now?!" Mully asked. Then narrator came out of his room and asked the same thing. I explained to them what had happened and they laughed at Eddie. Me and Abby sat down in the kitchen to talk.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked Abby. "Well it's kinda hard to say so can we go in your room and talk about it?"

I had forgotten Gaege was still in the room so I told Abby we could go there. We walked in and sat on my bed. "So what I wanted to say was.. I found out that my ex.. he got me.." Abby couldn't finish her sentence. "Listen, it's okay. You can tell me." I said "well my ex.. he got me.. pregnant.." Abby then started crying and I tried to comfort her the best I could. "I just don't know if I'm ready to be a mom yet. I mean I barely turned 21 last month." "Listen if you don't think you are ready to be a mom. I will totally understand. I'm here to support you with all your choices." I said. Me and her hugged and talked for a bit until she had to go home.

Gaege pov:

I heard yelling coming from the living room. I didn't want to get up so I went back to sleep. I woke up a bit later to hear y/n talking to someone. I'm guessing it was her friend. "So what did you want to talk about?" I assumed that voice was y/n's friend. "So what I wanted to say was.. I found out that.. my ex.. he got me.." I think that was y/n's voice. I tried to stay as quiet as I could so I didn't scare them. "My ex... he got me.. he got me pregnant." I think y/n said that! They talked for a while and I stayed quite the whole time. Once y/n and her friend left the room I got up and pretended I heard none of that.
*734 words*

Ooooh- some drama happening. What do you think is gonna happen? Comment you ideas!

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