Chapter 1

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Megatron looked at the small dragonet with curiosity. It had just hatched a few minutes before, and the little creature was stumbling around and uselessly flapping it's wings.

It was adorable.

It had black scales freckled with white, a mane of orange, yellow, and red feathers, the same firey tones on his tail fin, deep brown stubby little horns, and those firey tones on it's little paws, making it look like it was wearing little fire socks. A blue tongue that hung out of it's mouth like a dog's.

Megatron picked it up to assess the easiest and most comfortable way to tell the sex of an Era-Wing, apparently. The shape of it's tail fin. It was less curved and much sharper than the pictures of female Era-Wing hatchlings, so the little one was male.

Megatron heard a chirp and jumped slightly in surprise, looking at the cub's face. His mouth was open as he produced small chirps and squeaks, flailing his tiny paws and wings around. As soon as he was gently set back down, he stumbled towards Megatron's scent, nuzzling the mighty being's pedes.

"You're... cute." The Cybertronian smiled slightly, the cub tapping his blunt claws on his pede as he seemed to like the sound, making a not half bad little "song", for being so young. "I will care for you to the best of my abilities, little one." Megatron said, picking the little thing up and looking at his eyes, seeing that they were stuck shut.

The cub tilted his head, before simply rolling onto his back and looking pretty cute. He produced a purr like noise, tail wagging as he laid in Megatron's palm.

A/N- I'll draw a little Era-Wing reference thing later if anyone wants/needs it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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