Introduction - 'The Frog Prince Returns'

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"Many years ago, a princess in the countryside passed by a nearby pond and saw a large frog. The creature leaped toward the startled princess, looked her in the eyes, and croaked: "Kiss me, dear princess, and you shall undo my century-old curse." Curious to be approached by a talking frog, the Princess gave it a small kiss, which magically transformed the frog into a tall and handsome prince. The two began courting and not much longer wedded. But unlike the passed down fairy tale, it never ended happily ever after..."

Black Forest, Germany

16th September, 23:00

Old German tales always warn little children to stay out of the forest at night. Nothing good can happen when darkness falls and all the ghouls come out to play. Many heeded this warning in the past, but nowadays many ignore them. In fact, they challenge the old faiths and stubbornly go into the belly of the beast. Marie Schmidt, the chancellor's daughter, was such a person. She saw nothing wrong in bribing her bodyguard to take her to the Black Forest at night. She had found an old storybook, which included new details about one of her favourite fairy tales - 'The Frog Prince' and jumped at the chance to go exploring.

'This path that we are on right now' said Marie to her bodyguard 'isn't marked on any maps. The old villagers used to call it The Exiled Prince's Road. According to the book I found, the story goes that when the fog rolls in, the fabled Frog Prince begins to wander here, searching for his long-lost princess. But no one who's laid eyes on him has ever returned to tell the story.'

'Ms. Marie, I do approve of your love for stories and the dramatic, but I think it is time to head back. The chancellor will not be pleased I let you stay out so late.'

Suddenly the girl stopped. They had come across the statue of a giant frog.

'I-I think we are lost, Hans. Didn't we come across this stone statue an hour ago.'

As she was saying this, the fog slowly started to make its way through the trees and the figure of a man appeared on the road.

'Don't worry, I see someone up ahead.' said her bodyguard 'Perhaps, he could help us...'

The strange man was holding a frog in his hand, and his face was hidden by a hood. As Marie and her bodyguard made their way towards him, he lifted the hood. His eyes glowed red in the dark. No one heard Marie and her bodyguard's screams...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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