Chapter 5

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Kyles POV:

Since me and Stan were facing windows he had opened his window asking me if I was okay, I honestly think he did hear what i'd said because i noticed he had airpods in but i am definitely sure he heard me shout. I came across my window to tell him that everything is fine, he smiled and once i was about to speak he cut me off by closing his window. Wow, that surprisingly offended me, i laid in my bed once again scrolling through tik tok, i shut my eyes for a second and fell asleep, i woke up to see toolshed looking down at me sleeping, i screamed and backed away, he tried to calm me down as i was taking deep breath's, wow thankfully it wasnt some sort of pervert until i realized wait TOOLSHED IS IN MY HOUSE?! I asked him what he was doing here and he told me if I knew Stan, hm Stan? Are they close or friends i thought to myself feeling a little envious that Stan had Toolshed as a friend. I told him he lives right beside me and nodded, until i got a little curious and asked him how he knew Stan. He told me he was his friend and usually did stuff together a lot, and he also came here because he heard screaming and thought I was in trouble. I tried to cover up saying i saw a spider and killed it after. He laughed and said he needed to go, i couldn't help but blush a bit, realizing i may have a tiny bit of a crush on Toolshed.

Stans POV (Finally😭):

I went as Toolshed to check on Kyle because i thought something had happen to him and tried to cover myself trying not to expose that i was Stan, because of how smart Kyle really is I jumped out the window heading inside my house taking off my hero clothes and changed back into my regular clothing listening to music while studying and drawing, i got a little tired until my Black cat rubbed her whole body against my nose i started sneezing and coughing while getting all her fur on my face. God damn it that was the last thing i wanted right now. Her name is Kiki because if a character in a show i got inspired by and how much it suited her, i looked around my room to see clothing everywhere and cat hair. Wow i need to clean this up before my mom gets mad at me, well its not like shes here anyways she went with my whole family to Florida and said i needed to stay for my education wow that's unfair. In my watch i got a message that we had an urgent meeting. What but its only 5 doesn't it start till later. I changed and quickly headed out as i was jumping onto buildings i saw Human Kite fly around i couldn't help but remember that kiss as I started blushing to myself he glanced at me and I waved hello guessing we both needed to head to a meeting he turned his head and flew faster. What..? Was he ignoring me.. maybe because of that kiss I knew it was a stupid idea to kiss him were enemies well i guess if he's acting like this i will have to act back by ignoring him also, i kinda got irritated for some reason. I went into my meeting when Mysterion said there was a huge case down in the east where there was over 10 people robbing banks and shooting innocent people, i clenched my fists after hearing those words how dare some stupid criminals hurt innocent people like that as i rushed out the the meeting heading to the area i looked at the map realizing it was 3 miles away, wow i guess i need to speed things up a little as everyone else in my group followed me.

Authors note:

Im sorry if this chapter was really dry i had no ideas for this one and thinked whatever came up to my mind first and sorry if any spelling mistakes and posting late!!
(708 words!)

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