Part one. Getting my footing

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She was wondering why everything went wrong. She had a nice life, a good income and freedom to explore the world that everyone seemed to dream of. But now she was stuck in a small town with the ridiculous name of Mystic falls, trapped incide a magic cave with three gorgeous men, that had no idea what was about to happen.
Let me get back a little bit, so you could understand.
Lyra Black is the name and fun is the game. Pfff, no just kidding. The fun part mostly. My name is actually Lyra Black. At least in this life. What you don't know is that I transmigrated. Yep, I totally got isekaied a few months back by our favorite truck kun. I was with my family on a trip and an Italian driver was way too enthusiastic to meet me headlights first. So I died. Do I miss my family? Totally. But somehow there is dullness to my memories. I remember I had a husband and three kids, but that was about it. Any other personal info is fading away fast. But not my memories of anything else really.
When I was old me and not now me I was a total nerd and loooved to read. Both books and manga. I also had a theory that only fans of manga and reading could actually transmigrate or be reborn in another universe. So it stands to reason I would be too with all the reading I have done.
So when I woke up in a bed with a man and a woman I might have been confused, but not really affected. I had memories of the body I was in. Apparently I am a hibrid kind of creature. Half witch and half succubus. If you are wondering about my parents, don't. It seems creature suck at parenting for the most part. I was raised in the system.
Not really the best way to grow up, but at least you get a nice set of survival skills. So by the time I was 16 I have come to my creature inheritance and developed the nessesery skills to earn an income and feed at the same time.
If you are confused by the second, succubus feed on sex and life force. So here you go. A shady moral compass and appetite for sinfull behaviour landed me with quite a few assets. I also went through college, so I could manage my earnings skillfully.
I don't know what happened to the original soul of the body, but right now Lyra Black was me and the world was my oyster. Sort of.
I took several weeks to travel and explore the world. Internet is not really a big thing yet. Did I mention it was the 2000s?
It was still fuzzy in what kind of universe I transmigrated, since I was not a wizard, didn't hear of the Winchester brothers, no Shield agency and there are too many supernatural books I have read. Most of them were romance. I really hope it isn't one of those doomsday kind of books. I really like electricity and stuff.
So as I was driving around the US, taking a look around (not native in my previous life) when I noticed a peculiar town with the name Mystic falls. Well, I was fucked and not in a good way. I haven't really watched the series as it was toooo much drama for me. I was a fan of fanfics with a setting in the TVD and TO but couldn't really stomach even one episode and I did try a few times. I did however like to watch short snippets of the characters on YouTube, note the Michaelson's brothers.
If my memory was correct there were no other creatures besides vampires, werewolves and witches, but I could be wrong. Since I am other anyway. Maybe the writers wrote only about them. No matter. In the spirit of transmigration it was my sacred duty to fuck with the plot as it was. I needed a baseline anyway, so I could orient myself.
I really liked Nicklaus. He was dope but a bit of a diva. He acted like a teenager with hormonal issues, but at least he was faithful to his fam. Elijah was hot. Suits were so in ladies. Enzo was also a babe and if he was still imprisoned I would totally go to the rescue. The rest were just kids in my eyes, so no feeding on teenagers, even though this body was in her early twenties. Visible at least. By human years I would be in my forties. Anywho.
If I was in a need of a snack, I was sure I could find a body to enjoy anyway. No one seemed to notice the bad stuff happening anyway. And what was with the absent adults. Now that I think about it, most of my favourite universes were filled with kids left to fend for themselves. Maybe it was the mother in me, but it didn't seem right. No parent should leave their kid to fight evil and no grownup should neglect bad things happening. Seriously, what is with those settings? Why are there always the kids who have to save the day and win the war?
Moving on. I will just make sure all is settled before kids are forced to sacrifice themselves. I drove into the town and pulled over to the favorite hotspot of the head doppelganger. The Grill. Is it the only place to eat in the town or are the writers lazy? I should totally check that out.
As like in any story, the moment I went incide of the grill I could see a young Elena with her family, enjoying a meal. She seemed around 14, so I would guess two more years untill first episode? Couldn't really know as I haven't seen the TV series as I mentioned before. But I do have a vague idea of the timeline.
There was a TV with a date on. So it is the end of 2005. Skinny jeans, cargo pants, JLo, Rihanna and Harry potter. Neat.
I did love the cargo pants and the music is the one I like, as the 2000s were my teens. I would actually enjoy this time. Maybe write a few smut books before they are a thing and mine for bitcoin. I could get some serious points there. This is one of the things I really enjoyed in isekai. All the possibilities and future knowledge. Delicious anarchy. 
I still have some time before the start of the story. I should enjoy myself before that. Maybe buy a house here to be prepared and move a few pieces before things start to get dangerous.
I have a ton to prepare and only a few years to do so. But wait, do I really need to go with the original? I can remove the big opsticals before they even became one and get a nice new storyline.
I should just go and kill Michael before all of this. Then Nick will not need to hurry with Elena.
Also, I could get Bonnie to train in advance, so she doesn't make those big mistakes like in the series. If she knows how to do magic and not to do expression, things would go much easier.
Also, I could get Elena before she meets with The Salvatore's and free Nick. Then compel her to donate blood once a few months to his cause. Then she and Stefan can have their romance without the originals comming for them.
I would totally free Pearl and that other dude and set the rest in the tomb on fire.
Also I would reunite the Michaelson's and give them some family therapy. God knows they need it badly.
But to do all that I need to plan. First things first I will need information and to write down all I remember from the fanfics and sort through the lies. Who could help, I wonder?
I had a piesfull meal in the Grill and went on my way. There was no need to hurry and mess things up. Planning and writing down key points is always a good way to sort your thoughts. And I had plenty of time to do so.

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