Sherlock Moriarty (1)

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[In a house, Maric sat at a long table and skillfully played cards with his zombies.

Suddenly, Sherlock Moriarty appeared on an empty chair. He put down his hat and took the covered cards from a zombie without any hesitation.

Maric looked up at him. His lips moved, but he didn't open them in the end.

He let the zombie in charge of croupier duties continue to hand out the cards.

Just like that, Sherlock joined them. He played a few rounds, winning and losing at times.

In the corner, Sharron, who was wearing a black regal dress and a small and delicate bonnet, appeared at some point in time.

She held her face with one hand and quietly watched the game.

After playing for about two hours, Klein stood up and formally bowed to Miss Sharron and Maric.

Then, he chuckled, put on his hat, walked towards the door, and disappeared.

Not long after, Reinette Tinekerr materialized in the room. She glanced at Sharron, then turned to Maric and her gaze finally settled on the coin in his pocket.

Each of her heads spoke up one by one.

"Keep... the... coin... preciously."

Confused, Maric took out the coin he had gotten from Sherlock Moriarty.

Without any more explanations, Reinette left.

Sharron stared at the coin in Maric's hand and wondered what these words meant.

One day, while Maric was playing as usual and Sharron had become Sequence 3, her spirituality was touched.

Gray fog had begun to come out of the coin, making her realize that its purpose was to connect its holder with a secret existence.

Maric noticed that Sharron had appeared next to him and was looking at his pocket. At that moment, his spiritual intuition was also vaguely triggered and he took out the coin.

He deliberately before making up his mind.

"I'll give it to you."

Sharron stared at him silently.

"I feel like it's you who should have it."

Sharron looked down at the gold coin he had put into her hand.

That's how Sharron became the owner of the coin imbued with the aura of Sefirah Castle; and the gray fog brought her to the unfamiliar world the Lord of Mysteries was in, even though she nearly didn't know anything about The Fool.]

—Sharron, 2nd holder of a gold coin.


"Miss Sharron?"

Sharron heard the call and turned her head to the owner of the voice. She glanced at the unfamiliar person who seemed to know her and coldly queried:

"Who are you?"

Noticing his blunder, Zhou Mingrui searched a way to explain things.

As she was silently gazing at him, he briefly changed his face to Sherlock Moriarty's before turning it back to normal and approached her.

Sharron, who already knew that he could change his appearance, understood the situation.

Suddenly, his spiritual intuition warned him.


[The character 'Zhou Mingrui' has invaded private property!]

The atmosphere became cold and some of the 'Landlord Association' members in the front looked at him.

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