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The excitement that I feel is overwhelming.

I didn't believe it, I can't believe it.

I didn't really expect Wayne to invite me to 'hang out' and that made me a nervous and confused wreck. 

All day, I've been preparing myself how to act towards Wayne that had asked me nonchalantly as if we were long time friends, like it's normal.

My hands are sweating uncontrollably after my last class ended. I'm walking in the hallway, eyes shifting left to right hoping to see Wayne that made my heart thump in an unhealthy way.

It's been a while now but still, I couldn't find him. We didn't agreed where to met after class and now I regretted not asking him about that. A sad feeling washed over me harder than I anticipated, with thoughts running to my mind.

Why would Wayne, the most popular boy and the most hot guy in our campus, would took an interest at me even if it's just being friends?

Did he asked me on a whim?

A heavy feeling inside me chest resides and I almost feel like crying. Why won't I when I really hope that we'd hang out? When my hope being close to him crushed? Giving up on searching for him, in the end I just decided to go home.

I mean, maybe he forgot? The little voice in my head defensed Wayne, but the other voice said, it's just a spur of a moment isn't it?

We were just got caught in the moment that had us overly excited for doing good in our presentation that made Wayne invite me to spend time together.

Sighing, I trudged towards the school gate, leaving my friends behind without notifying them that I'm going home first. Usually, I drive my car to school, but this morning I rode with my friend's car. Now I regretted riding with them, if I didn't, I'll be driving home by now.

I'll just take the bus then, I sadly thought.

While walking absentmindedly, I slowly drowned in self pity, for looking forward to that damn 'hangout'. For believing that Wayne was being genuine asking me that. For getting my hopes up of spending my time with my long time crush.

"Well, it's not like he likes me." I mumbled matter of factly to myself, I then feel a sting on my chest.

Maybe I looked forward to it more than I thought.

So much for being with him, I disdainfully thought.

Stepping out of the school gates, I took a turn right with my head hanging low, I could feel my shoulder sag in disappoinment. I didn't even have strength to look around like I always do when I'm walking out of the schools perimeter.  Wistfully hoping to catch a glimpse of my long-time crush with deep green eyes.

Sighing, my lips quivers then I bit my bottom lip, an attempt to stop them from letting out a whimper.

"Damn you Way—" but before I could finish my hateful sentence, a loud beep startled the shit out of me and I flinched, hard. My ears right away rings annoyingly that I squint my eyes.

I turned my head in a flash towards the sound's direction and got scared. My body turned cold instantly and I froze. Cold sweat forms on my  forehead. Hands trembling like crazy as if it's vibrating. A lump forms on my throat and I tried to swallow it.

Scary thoughts race through my mind and the feeling of dread settled in the pit of my stomach. I'm aware of my breathing became ragged, I wanted to shout as loud as I could but my lips were sealed tight.

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