144 6 3

September 7th,2017


The sound of the gunshots continued to ring through my ears. Visions of her body lying on my floor,lifeless,just kept replaying in my head. It was like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.

The thought of my sister being dead because of me and my sh- just broke sum in me. I can't move, I can't talk, I can't feel nothing but pain.

I couldn't seem to snap myself out of if, I was stuck. Chanel, I could hear her crying, begging for me come through but I just couldn't. Not matter how bad I wanted to, I couldn't open my mouth to speak, or even reach my hand out for her.

The guilt I feel, the pain that I feel, was eating me up inside. I'd trade my life, just to give Arianna her's back. She ain't deserve to go out the way she did, sh- she ain't deserve to die at all.

I'd do anything to get her back.. I can't help but to feel that all this sh- is my fault, I let her stay wit me and I couldn't even protect her. She died because of me..my sister was dead because of me.


I stood, staring at my reflection in the mirror of Nick's bathroom, while I fixed my hair into a messy bun. With everything that went down yesterday still heavy on my mind, and the way its affecting him, I just can't find the strength to leave him in this house alone.

He still has yet to say or do anything. I've tried everything I could think of, but nothing was working. The girls even tried, still nothing. I began to think about maybe calling a doctor or someone, because although it's only been a day, I couldn't stand to see him this way any longer. I just wanted him to be okay.

Once I finished messing with my hair, I turned the bathroom light off before walking out into the hallway and to his room.

I entered the room, eyeing Kirs who was still sitting in the same exact spot he's been in for hours. I walked closer to him, looking into his eyes noticing that they were bloodshot red. He didn't sleep last night either,I tried getting him to, but failed.

I sighed and sat next to him, rubbing circles on his back, watching as he only stared at the wall in front of him. "I wish there was something I could do to help you through this" I quietly spoke, as I layed my head onto his shoulder.

"How he doing?" A voice from behind me spoke, causing me to jump up in fear. I turned my head only to see Quavo, standing in the doorway of Kirs's room. "Oh my god! How the he11 did you get in here?!" I shouted, holding my hand against my chest.

"I have a key, my bad for scaring you" He answered, pulling me into a hug. "But nah frl, is he okay" He questioned, pulling away from the hug. I sighed deeply, shaking my head in a 'no' motion. Qua just frowned, as he sat on the bed next to Kirs.

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