When Will You Tell?

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Au: I'm fast with chapters aren't I? I'm much more better than author hmph! Also, Did I promised a sm*t last chapter? Can't remember but I'm contemplating about it, because I was told to rush this Fanfic for some LAZY *SS reason—BUT don't worry, I can put up some bonus chap! See? I can be kind. Also! look who I brought~

Ol: Greetings!

Au: Did nobody missed grandpa? no? okay *kicks him away* Let's do some fanfic!


Y/n flew towards the bridge connecting the two schools with an evident frown on her face, she was beyond pissed of what Dovey did, though the good dean may think it was best for her, she couldn't give a single sh*t to understand; scheming things beyond her back and trying to manipulate her life and decisions ticked an unknown nerve inside her. With a heavy sigh she stopped mid air and composed herself, counting one to ten and mentally visiting her happy place—if she has one.

Lesso, a curl tickled the edges of her lips; She remembered the potion, it was almost time and her body will be temporarily modified into human size! would it keep her wings though? she wondered, She knows how to walk that's for sure, but how the world around her will look might confuse her for a bit, she will need to adjust, that she was certain of.

She felt the first sign of the potion activating inside her, her heart thumped painfully inside her chest as she lowered herself to the ground to catch her breath; It all happened too fast, she felt her limbs awfully strained, skin  stretching and her surroundings shrinking

Holy mother of f*ck its happening! Then all too sudden, her body expands with an airy pop and jolted slightly in the air, falling on her bottom, an unknown rip can be heard as it happened. She groaned at the small impact and tried to stand up. Key word, Tried. Y/n wobbled while doing so, her hands finding the edges of the bridge as she hauled herself up. Why the hell is this hard?! Fortunately, she managed to stand on her feet without her legs shaking.

Okay... okay... I got this. She looked behind her and saw her wings gone. Of course she'd take it away, my only means of escape for whatever she planned for me  She chuckled nervously, with subtle hint of excitement. Taking a careful step, then another, until she's successful enough to create some distance, turns out she was quick to adjust, she clapped her hands giddily.

Now to Lesso! She sprinted towards the Dining Hall where the dean told them to meet.

A few students she passed by and they d only giver her one reaction, they were all gawking dumbly at her... And strangely so, a flushed face. Was her being their size too much of a shock for them?? She wondered as she went in front of the big wooden entrance doors of the Dining Hall.

Going to Ellia, who just came back from the Doom Room, she sat with her friends and started to feast on their pungent food. I hope that betrayal had satisfied you Hester She mumbled and glared at her before popping her spoon in her mouth.

Oh it did, the most delicious victory I've ever tasted She cackled as she too joined Ellia eating.

the young lass shrugged Well, I don't blame you, I'd do the same have I though about it fir— her words were interrupted when the door opened and revealed Y/n, however, the sight was... What the f*c—hughk! Ellia choked on her food as Hort tried to help her clear her airways, going to her back and performed abdominal thrusts.

The commotion caught everyone's attention; curious, both Evers and Nevers looked at whatever interesting matter made Ellia dumbly inhaled her grub. Even Lesso, who was beyond displeased due to Y/n being awfully late, looked at the entrance.

Hitched breaths and gasps can be heard in the hall, as also the— yes the choking young witch, the sound of slaps the girls did to boys who laid eyes on the human-sized fairy, drinks being spit, and students falling off their seats.

Pixie In Trouble (Lady Lesso x Fem! Fairy Reader)Where stories live. Discover now