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"So you have to write a song about me?" Chan smiled and nodded happily, resting his head on Felix's shoulder as he gave him a back hug. "It's gonna be a love song, for my baby!" Felix blushed and held onto Chan's hands that were around his waist.

"You're too much, let's go cuddle." He said as he dragged Chan to his room, the older following like a lost puppy. Felix giggled and laid down, Chan holding him close to his chest. "I think I'm scared of Minho."

Chan laughed and kissed Felix's chest repeatedly, feeling the younger's hands in his hair. "He's harmless, he just gets a little sensitive when people talk about him before he transitioned." Felix hummed and kissed Chan's forehead. "Jisung talks about him all the time.. as many times as he says that he hates him, he talks about him a lot."

Chan looked up at Felix. "Like in a bad way?" Felix shook his head, furrowing his brows to think about it. "Not always, he just mentions Minho in a lot of conversations." Chan hummed and contained to kiss Felix's chest, ducking his head under the younger's shirt to kiss his abs.

"C-Chan.." the older kissed up to his neck, fully inside his shirt now. Felix pulled chan by his hair to face him, kissing his nose. "I'm still recovering from my fever babe, can we wait?" Chan pouted and nodded, going back to kiss his neck. "Fine.. whatever my baby wants."

"The fuck is your problem?" Minho groaned as he held his stomach tightly, rolling back and forth on jisung's bed. "My stomach hurts dumb fuck, why else would I be holding my stomach?" Jisung turned from his chair to see Minho in pain, scoffing before turning around to his desk.

"If you have to shit then go to the bathroom." Minho winced as he felt another wave of pain, standing up slowly. "I'm not going to shit.. do you know where your mom is?" Jisung side eyed him and squinted them. "Why do you want to know-"

"I need to ask her something!! Where is she?!" Jisung raised his hands in defense and pointed to his parents bedroom, Minho nodded and gingerly walked over there, cursing when he left jisung's room. "Of course I didn't bring anything." Minho felt around in his pockets, sighing before knocking softly on their door.

"Come in." Minho cracked open the door and smiled weary. "Mrs. Han?" She looked up from her book and smiled widely. "Hey sweetie! What's up?" Minho eyed Mr. Han, who gave a confused look. "Can I talk to you in private please?" She nodded and glared at her husband. "Out." She demanded, he instantly walked out and went to the kitchen.

"What's up?" Minho picked at his fingers, feeling another wave of pain hit him hard. "I.. I think I got my period, I don't have anything." She gasped and got out of bed, holding Minho's hand and walking them to the bathroom. "I have all kinds of stuff in the drawer don't worry honey! Do you want some medicine? Or a heating pad?"

Minho held onto his stomach and smiled. "Maybe a heating pad. Thank you so much Mrs. Han." She smiled and pinched Minho's cheek. "Of course sweetie! I'll go get that when your in the bathroom." He nodded and went in the bathroom, getting his stuff taken care of.

"What's that?" Jisung turned to his mom, who placed a little heating pad on his bed. "For Minho." He frowned and squinted his eyes. "Why does-" she raised her hand to shut jisung up, Minho walked in and smiled and Mrs. Han. "Thank you again."

She smiled softly and rubbed Minho's arm. "It's no problem sweetie!" She said before walking out of the door, jisung gave Minho a weird look. "It's really none of your business but if you are desperate to know, I got my period."

Jisung opened his mouth in surprise, turning around to his desk in embarrassment. "Damn I didn't know you still had those." Minho rolled his eyes and lifted his shirt, placing a heating pad on his lower stomach. "Until I get a dick, I still have them." Jisung scoffed and stared at his blank piece of paper.

Minho groaned once again and held his stomach, grabbing a pillow to rest his head. "Can you stop making noise over there, I'm trying to write lyrics." Minho hummed and felt his eyes start to droop. "M' going to bed." He said in a slurred voice, jisung hummed and banged his head on the table, hearing Minho's soft snores behind him.

Jisung sighed and leaned back in his chair. 'Why can't I think of anything??' He thought, turning around to look at Minho who was fast asleep. Jisung looked at his features, innocent round eyes, sharp nose, bunny teeth, small waist, thick thighs, everything was the same as it was when they were dating.. just a different gender.

Jisung thought about what the drag queen said the other day, 'it's obvious you still like him.' He shook his head and watched Minho twitch in his sleep, still holding onto his stomach. 'Every time I look at you I feel like it's not real, like I'm back from the dead.'

He cut his thought off, an idea popping in his head. "Yes!" He exclaimed before turning back to his desk, writing vigorously.


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