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Jisung watched Minho walk into his house, mind filled with what him and seungmin talked about the other night. "Hey Min." Minho turned around and widened his eyes. "Min? You haven't called me that in years."

Jisung shrugged his shoulders and started walking towards his room, Minho followed behind. "I just didn't feel like calling you by your full name." Minho rolled his eyes, a small smile appeared on his face. "I'm so tired, the dance teacher had me demonstrate like everything."

Jisung hummed and got to his desk, the younger slumped on his bed. "Probably because you're the best dancer in the class." Minho sat up and rested himself on his elbow, squinting his eyes. "What's with you today?" Jisung turned around in his chair and smiled. "Just in a good mood, that's all."

Minho laid down and smiled back. "Well stay in a good mood." Jisung hummed and wrote down some more lyrics, Minho huffed and stood up, walking over to jisung. "What are you writing-" jisung cut him off with his hand. "You're not supposed to look or help."

Minho groaned and walked around his room. "I'm bored, let's go something fun." Jisung stood up and sat himself down on his couch, watching Minho pace back and forth. "Like what?" Minho gasped and spun around to face jisung. "Let's do blindfolded makeovers!"

Jisung laughed and shook his head. "I'm not putting any makeup on." Minho frowned, going to stand in front of the older. "Then put makeup on me! It's supposed to be fun!" Jisung hummed and looked up at Minho. "Fine I think I have a blindfold in that drawer. Be careful though."

Minho walked over there. "Be careful of what-" he stopped as he saw a full drawer of sex toys and lube, Minho's face beat red as he quickly grabbed a blindfold and glared at jisung. "Seriously jisung?" The older laughed loudly and held his stomach. "I told you to be careful!"

Minho grumbled and made his way towards jisung, holding the blindfold out. "Put it on." Jisung held his wrist and whined. "I hurt my wrist at the game, can you put it on me?" Minho rolled his eyes and nodded, wrapping the blindfold tightly around jisung's head on purpose.

"Ouch!" Jisung's hands gripped Minho's waist out of instinct, minho froze and looked down. "Make it looser!" Jisung demanded, his hands still holding onto the younger's waist. "Fine but let go of me." Jisung smiled as Minho fixed the blindfold, tapping his waist and letting go. "I had to hold onto something, you squeezed my brain too hard."

Minho blushed and shook his head, glad that jisung was blindfolded. "Okay my bag is right in front of you-" Minho gasped as jisung's hands grabbed his thighs, missing the bag in front of them. "J-jisung!"

Jisung chuckled and moved them forward, reaching the bag. "Found it."

"I look ridiculous jisung!" Minho laughed as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, jisung laughed as well. "I'm not as skilled at makeup as you are!" Minho turned around and faced jisung. "Thought you hated me wearing makeup, or wearing skirts."

Jisung raised his brows and smiled smugly. "I was told by multiple people that I need to open my mind." Minho smiled and tapped jisung's shoulder. "Good. About time." Jisung's mom walked by and stopped by the bathroom, smiling as she saw the boys together. "Wow Minho, your makeup honey!"

Minho giggled and pointed to jisung. "Your son did it!" She laughed and walked to the kitchen. "Do you boys want anything for dinner?" Jisung and Minho walked out of the bathroom, the younger shaking his head. "I have to go, mom is expecting me home by now."

Jisung snickered and went by Minho. "I'll walk you out." Minho nodded and they walked towards the door, Jisung opened the door and leaned against it as Minho walked out. "Do you want to meet tomorrow? We can go to like a cafe or something." Jisung rambled, trying not to seem nervous.

Minho smirked slightly and rubbed jisung's arm. "Are you asking me out jisung?" The older shook his head immediately. "No! I mean like to meet to work on the song and all!" Minho giggled and hit the same arm he was rubbing. "I'm just joking with you, we can meet at the cafe near school."

Jisung smiled and checked his phone. "Cool, do you want to meet around the same time we met today?" Minho smiled and nodded, seeing a text from his mom. "I gotta go, see you tomorrow jisung." Jisung waved at Minho and smiled. "See you min."

Jisung closed the door and was met with his mom smiling at him softly. "What??" She shook her hand and walked back to the kitchen. "Nothing sweetie!"


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