ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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Jeonghan's Pov

"Happy Birthday!" They all shouted in unison followed by claps and loud wishes of 'happy birthday' individually as I entered the dining room. The kids started singing together in sync but I drown out their voices clutching my bandaged hand and gribbing it tight like someone's going to peel it off.

"What's wrong Cheonsa?" Our caretaker asked bending down to my height of 178 cm and flushing me his worried filled emerald green eyes with tint of red, a reminder that he's a Vampire.

Oh, I've never introduced him have I? Meet Illmeyst, our caretaker. He's a Vampire but he originally was a human. I swear he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet, despite being a vampire he'-

"Cheonsa?" He called out worriedly lifting his hands to cup my face. "Are you okay? What's with the bandage? Did you cut yourself? Are you hurting?" He ranted checking up on my with a look of concern on his face.

See what did I tell you?

"No, it's okay. I just sprained it a bit while playing" I lied giving him the brightest smile I could muster at the moment. His face relaxed after hearing my reasoning as he ushered me back to the centre where my cake was at.

"Blew the candle and make your wish hyung!" Dino exclaimed excited coming round me and pushing me.

"Thankyou" I said turning around and giving them my appreciation.

"Well this will be your last birthday that we'll celebrate together so it's only right that we make it memorable!" Seungkwan shouted along with Vernon nodding his head followed by the other kids saying something similar, some started crying after realisation hit them that it'll be the last time we'll stay together.

"Thankyou everyone" I said. "Here goes nothing then!" I excited yelled blowing out the candle and making my wish with all my heart.

Please don't let Arch Duke Etherialys be my mate! Please let the mark on my hand be a mistake!

"Yay!" They shouted, some throwing confetti while some pop the balloon that was put up for decor.

"Happy 18th birthday" Illmeyst said coming up to me with a gift wrapped in the prettiest wrappers I've ever seen.

"Thankyou so much" I said extending my hand to accept it. I opened the wrappers slowly as Illmeyst urged me to.

"Oh My God, It's so pretty!" I said taking it out from the box and turning it towards the sunlight. The necklace imitate a bright red light indicating that it's an enchanted gem.

"Is this?" I choked out the words in shock whipping my head towards Illmeyst.

"Yes it is" he replied before I even finish my words.

"It's my last gift to you. I hope it'll protect you" he said.

Tears started streaming down my face as as I rush to give him a hug, wrapping my hands in his waist because I can't reach his neck due to his 198 cm height. I squeezed my eyes shut resting my face in his chest.

"Oh Jeonghan's crying" one of the kid said rather too loudly making the other kids who were peacefully minding their own business turn towards me and gasped whispering among themselves.

"I'm just having my moment shut up" I said burrying my face more in his chest, pink cheeks showing my embarrassment.

"Shh, it's okay" Illmeyst soothed. "He's just having his emotional moment" Illmeyst laughed.

"He'll come at night" Illmeyst whispered tightening his arms around me. "I'm sorry" he apologized even though he have no reason to. It's not his fault, it's out of his control and I don't blame him even one bit. I'm thankful to him for taking care of me all these years, being the best brother figure I could ever have.

"Don't apologise. It's not your fault. I'll be fine" I said finally letting go of his waist and rubbing my eyes. "This will be the last so let's not waste our time with tears and enjoy it shall we?"

"Yeah you're right" He replied standing up and grabbing my hand. "I prepared a feast" he grinned dragging me towards the table where all the food was layed.

*At night*

"Hey Cheonsa" Vernon greeted climbing up my bed.

"What is it?" I asked turning to him.

"He's your mate isn't he?" He asked.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

"Your mark, it was glowing last night. I saw it before you woke up" he said pointing towards my left hand.

"Oh" was all I said as we both sit in silence.

Vernon started fidgeting uncomfortable after a while before finally getting down from the bed and walking back to his room but he halted at he door and glance back at me, suddenly rushing back and giving me a bone breaking hug.

"I'll miss you Cheonsa" he cried choking on his saliva.


I slowly wrapped my hands around him, tears threatening to fall from my own. "Me too Noni".

"Promise we'll meet again" he said holding out his pinky finger.

"I can't guarantee that but I'll try" I replied locking my own finger with his.

"Jerk" he said making me smile.


"Cheonsa" Illmeyst called entering our room when I didn't answer back. "He's here, come down" he said extending his hand to me. I lifted myself from the bed and accepted his hand giving on last look to Vernon and following Illmeyst out.

To be continued~


This is the necklace that Illmeyst gave to Jeonghan.

This is the necklace that Illmeyst gave to Jeonghan

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