7. Peculiar Pair

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Hongjoong woke swathed in a cosy warmth that he hadn't experienced since the last summer. Soft fabric cradled his cheek, and he huddled deeper into his pillow with a pleased sigh. He floated as if on clouds and, though he mourned the mellow fading of his dreams as sleep drifted away from him, he could tell he was well-rested. No fear agitated his heart and no hunger or cold plagued him. For a drawn moment, he felt like the king of kings.

Sleepy eyes batted open without a rush. Hongjoong rarely woke with a white mind, always running and hurrying in his mind or on his feet. This time, however, he was deeply at peace and sat up slowly to look around. All the time in the world was offered to him to look around and grasp his surroundings. The eerie tomb greeted him like a home. Its wilted flowers in dusty vases, the cobwebs, and the constant chill of its deceased inhabitants. Hongjoong trailed his gaze around the room and got stuck on the sarcophagus to his left. It was clean and unsuspecting, but a furious blush took over his cheeks when the memories of last night came back. No one but him could know what transpired in this place. 

Just as he wondered whether his accomplice in desecrating this grave had gone, steps sounded in the tunnel leading outside. Hongjoong sat with his blanket bunched in his lap and gazed into the darkness. A moment later, Seonghwa emerged in a long velvety cape that accentuated his graceful beauty. He looked up to check on Hongjoong and a grin spread on his lips when he found him awake.

"Did I wake you?" He asked as he undid the brooch holding his cape shut. The fabric cascaded into his coffin as he came to stand by Hongjoong's side. Delicate fingers cupped the human's jaw and Hongjoong leaned into the touch, closing his eyes in bliss.

"Not at all," he assured. When he looked up, he caught the fond smile on Seonghwa's lips, more smitten than a vampire should be with his food.

But no pain echoed in Hongjoong's body. He got treated with the utmost care and he survived the night of inhuman desires. As if reborn, all woes drifted far from him and his heart skipped merrily in his chest when each gaze he shared with Seonghwa lingered full of intent. Something changed between them, and it bloomed full of warm wooziness in Hongjoong's chest. He liked the feeling.

"I got you food," Seonghwa remembered the reason for his absence as he retrieved the leather bag from his side. The scent of fresh bread wafted from it and made Hongjoong's mouth water. He perked up as Seonghwa angled the lid of Hongjoong's coffin into a makeshift table by his feet.

"You went into the town for me? What if someone saw you?" Grateful though worried, Hongjoong distributed his meal. It was much more decadent than what he would have bought for himself. Fresh bread, meat, and cheese, even a sweet roll with sticky honey that charmed Hongjoong's senses. Seonghwa also went to the river to refill Hongjoong's water bottle and put it next to his meal. 

"It seems I cannot be recognised at a single glance," Seonghwa chuckled as he leaned by his side, cosy sharing Hongjoong's company as he dug in. Hongjoong's grumble ended in a blissful sigh.

"This is delicious. Thank you, Seonghwa."

Proud of himself, Seonghwa watched Hongjoong devour his food and lick his fingers after each bite.

"It is only fair I compensated you with a meal just as good as mine last night," he replied, and his voice tilted with joy when Hongjoong choked on his bite of bread. With red cheeks, he dodged Seonghwa's teasing gaze. 

"Will it last you for long?" Hongjoong redirected the topic to maintain some honour. He liked listening to the velvet of Seonghwa's voice while he ate.

"Humans eat much more often than we do. I usually dine once every two weeks. Though I could last for an entire moon without blood, I fear hunger once it takes over. I often try not to kill my prey," Seonghwa described. Hongjoong was sure not every vampire thought like that. And though he never asked, he was positive that Seonghwa was no monster outside of their interactions in the mausoleum.

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