Wanda X Reader - Angst

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Inspired by the quote 'And she smiled, maybe not at me, but after all this time she still smiled, so I smiled too'

Rating: General | Word Count: 1.08k | Warnings: Angst, unrequited love

Wanda Maximoff had a tragic life, there was no debating that. It pained you to see such a caring and kind individual being hurt in so many ways over and over again, so you made it your mission to make sure you saw that perfect smile as much as possible.

The friendship started when you were the only Avenger who was willing to approach her after the events of Sokovia, everyone else still on edge about her powers and allegiance after the whole ordeal with Ultron. You, however, disregarded all the warnings the team told you, grabbing a plate of food for the young witch and knocking on her door rather timidly.

You were a mess, an awkward, shy mess, but you didn't care as you eventually managed to persuade her to let you in, offering to be a shoulder to cry on. You sat in silence for a large amount of time during the first meeting, both of you simply watching the sitcom she put on until she felt like opening up to you, a strange feeling of trust brewing between you, allowing her to express her concerns and worries. You listened attentively, offering advice wherever you could, knowing that the grief she would be feeling after her brother wouldn't just vanish, and she was extremely appreciative of your thoughtfulness.

Hours of spending time together turned into days, then weeks, then months until you were renowned as a duo within the team. Wherever the young witch was, you were there too, ensuring you heard the angelic laugh you were slowly falling in love with.

No one made a comment to start with on how you seemed to look at the witch, admiration swirling within your eyes while you would gaze at her with an enamoured stare, clearly having fallen deeply in love with her, without even realising.

The realisation only came when Natasha had had enough of you being so oblivious to your feelings, opening your eyes up to the reality of your situation. You were in love with Wanda and there was nothing you could, or want, to do to stop it.

On multiple occasions you rehearsed different ways you would ask the brunette to go on a date with you, each time the enticing green just staring at you in curiosity as you would back out, far too nervous to risk your friendship on a simple question. Instead, you would blush profoundly, muttering how it was nothing before moving the conversation swiftly on to something ridiculous to make her laugh and forget about your cowardness.

The time you had managed to overcome your fear of rejection, thanks to many pep talks from Natasha, you were walking with Wanda in the forest of the compound, making your way to your favourite spot together. It was easy, all you had to do was ask her, 'would you like to go on a date with me?', it couldn't possibly go that wrong, could it?

It seemed it could.

You didn't even get a chance to ask her when she turned to you excitedly, the sudden skip in her step making sense when she couldn't stop talking about what Vision had just asked her.

"Vision asked me out on a date!" she exclaimed, her smile practically reaching her ears while a small blush appeared on her cheeks as she gushed about how romantic the robot was when he asked her, how he seemed to do everything perfectly.

You couldn't do anything but nod along with her, trying to seem excited for her when your heart seemed to splinter with every praising word she spoke about the synthezoid.

On the walk back, you tried to piece it all back together like a broken puzzle for her sake, desperately trying to keep it together as she was smiling like she had never before, her green eyes sparkling with a newfound joy.

That's all you had ever wanted, you just wished it was because of you.

Natasha watched you with a sympathetic look as you watched your bestfriend slip away from you, falling deeply in love with Vision as they stood at the kitchen together, the angelic laughter spilling freely from her lips at his awful attempt at paprikash.

It physically hurt to watch them being together but you pushed it all down because you loved her. You loved her so much that you ignored the heavy weight in your chest, all that mattered was that she was happy.

You were snapped out of your reminiscent of the past by Natasha moving to stand next to you at the back of the hall, her arm wrapping comfortingly over your shoulder as you stared ahead, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat.

"If you want to leave, I'll come up with an excuse for you, she'll understand," whispered the redhead, her free hand smoothing out her dress as the priest at the front started his speech.

"I'm fine," you whispered back, voice wavering far more than the Russian's as your gaze was firmly locked on the figure at the front of the room, her striking green peering up at the man she loved, her lips stretched into a wide grin as she could barely contain her excitement.

You admired the white dress that perfectly adorned her body, your mind replaying the memories all those years ago when she told you about her dream wedding, you doing the same but imagining you were up there with her, not him.

"I'm sorry," Natasha quietly murmurs, pulling your body closer to hers in a comforting manner, the piercing pain in your heart ignoring the kind gesture.

"It's ok," you say but she knows you don't truly mean the words, you're only saying it for her. "She's happy with him, you know that's all I've ever wanted for her," you say, gaze lowering when they announce 'You may kiss the bride', only raising it once the rest of the people in the room stopped cheering in celebration of their marriage.

"She's smiling, Nat," your tone softer and more heartfelt than before, Natasha turning to you, nothing but sympathy written across her face, "Maybe it's not at me but, after all this time, she's still smiling, so I'll smile too." After your confession, you do as you say, a small smile finding its way to your lips as you watch the new bride and groom walk hand in hand down the path, her eyes meeting yours one last time before she leaves the room as well as your heart.


Welcome to my new collection of drabbles and oneshots :) 

Feel free to request anything but please know that I can't guarantee that I will write it or have it written quickly ; )

I also have another few drabbles planned so I will probably write them first 

I hope you enjoyed :) 

Please leave any thoughts/comments/votes <3 They really mean a lot to me!

Ao3- LoveIsAnImaginaryDagger 

Tik Tok- WvndaEdtiz

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