1. Major Life Lies I Had To Unlearn

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I am near to 30, and I decided to show you your life can be amazing at any age range, wheter you are young or elder, you can enjoy it to the fullest, as your circumstances let you. Cause let's face the fact: our circumstances and backgrounds will define you more than your current age.

They shape your beliefs, your thought patterns, style, etc depending on what influenced you since your birth.

Life Lie Mantras to Unearn:

1. I cannot befriend a certain cultural group that is different from mine

2. Cultural experiences were never meant to be shared, it only belongs to one specific group origins – the mantra of cultural appropriation has hurted many connections to a subconscious human level. Why should we exclude others from our cultures? Stereotypes are growing much easier if we close off the different people, I'd rather share my own culture and appreciate when others like our stuffs – music, dresses, makeup practices etc.

I am so delighted when someone knows the capital city of Hungary (BUDAPEST, NOT BUKAREST ~ don't insult Romania, it's a beautiful country on its own, respect them <3)

3. It's childish to still enjoy those what you liked back then.

I do not see why it is a problem to rewatch our childhood favourites, especially if the youngsters love it too. Watching it together can be a huge family party theme. :D I liked to rewatch Ariel with my niece when she was little, I am interested in what my beloved ones are liking, so it is easy to gift them with personal, loving presents.

4. You always have to be 100% perfect and improving, be „that girl" -> Nope! Sometimes a little bit of spotaneity will spice up this awfully boring dull mondain days where almost everything is the same, spinnig routines. Go bold and get a new haircut, hair color! Or get into a new language learning course! Host a party and cook yourself! Don't let your past experiances sabotage you living your dream life! Yes, in your 30s it's not late! You are stil a flourishing person, regardless of gender or other external features.

5. Criticism is a bad thing, avoid at all cost -> No! Criticism is good for improvement, if it's done in a decent manner, it can shed a light on your strenghts and weaknesses, helps you to find your own path in your craft. You don't have to copy others or take every single advice – not even mine if it does not feel align to your own perspective of reality. But consider those which resonate with you.

This is why I'd be so glad to recieve grammar advice on my stories, though it is hard to find someone who in fact has the skills to give a believable critique or review. -> DM me if you think you're the fitting person and would like to help a baby writerina. ;)

Start your improvement by thinking of these „lies" or misleading concepts/philosophies, and do not be so strict, let life happen as much as possible. Yes, we need structure but not overrestricting ourselves, that's damaging. Be a bit more open-minded, and think twice beofer you scream a wolf... do you know this story's end? I hope you do. It is not funny when the real criminals are not detected because we're overwhelmed by constant virtue signaling.

Yes, I understand how stressful it can be, but yelling and barking and all those immature acts will not help any kind of miscommunication.

Take me for example:

I am bisexual, my family knows it, and I don't do a big tantrum if someone misgenders me and we aren't familiar with each other at first. PEOPLE CANNOT READ MIND! Repeat after me and let it sink into your conscious and subconcsious. Don't make people walk on eggshells over the smallest things. You don't have to tolerate intentional rudeness but do not assume everyone is out to get ya!

I'd kindly tell the others that my pronouns are she/her. Not cis, not any kind of new wordgames. Just a simple, regular woman – like everybody else, I am just myself. 

Why? Because I am confident in my identity, I do not need to prove anything to anyone at all. I have to prove to myself only.

I have to talk about these issues on the progressive movement because honestly, sometimes I witness how close-minded some members are and they bring bad reputation to the LGBTQIA+ people – they don't wanna hear about internalized mysoginy (hope I wrote it correctly) and homophobia.

Our identity is formable to a certain extend, and many detransitionares are coming form an insecurity about reveiling their true self.

Why it is not okay to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual Assigned at Birth Gendered? If you're so sure about yourself, than the detransition of someone who figured out something is not for them, it should not offend you.

As I am not offended by veganism – I accept their views, despite of me disagreeing with them.

Let's improve together! Tell me, what is the aspect or area of your life you want to improve this year/month? What was the biggest gaslighting collective lie you realized in your life and is blocking you? You can keep it yourself, but it is worthy to grab a journal and unfold the root of our misconceptions and biases in a healthy way. 

Remember, there is no „perfect" moment to start, you can jump into a glow up at any time you wish too.

And you're awsome. <3



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