Mind Over Matter

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Krel builds a mind reading device in hopes of blending in with Humans. Elsewhere General Morando dispatches Bounty Hunter's to track down the Royals.
(Intergalactic way station Oxiom galaxy)
(3rd Person P.O.V)

  "Ah, yeah yeah." A creature chuckled. "And I said to him, 'It's not a C-One Class Transporter, that's a T-Two. Look at the thrusters, you nimrod!' Am I right?" It laughed as it raises the cup it was holding, talking to a Blank that doesn't even dare to pay attention to him.

  A hologram of a News suddenly appeared from the empty spot of the quiet Bar, a picture of Aja, Misuyu, Krel and Varvatos with badly edited evil faces plastered to their faces. "On Akiridion-5, a coup has overthrown House Tarron. The Royal Family are presumed dead."

  The Hologram zoomed in on the badly edited photo of the four with a red blinking text. The creature blew a raspberry and slammed their hand on the table. "Pfft! Please. Those guys took off in a C-Class. That's a Royal Mothership."

  The door behind suddenly bust open with a Rabbit but Robot like thing standing with glowing eyes. It growled lowly as the creature kept on rambling words about the Royal Mother Ship.

  "With that kind of heat, they could outrun any ship in the known Universe. I've been a transit operator for 16 keltons. Seem them all. But that Royal Mother Ship? Woa-ho, she's a beaut!" The creature kept on rambling and rambling not noticing the Robotic rabbit hopping it's way to him.

  The creature named Ned screamed in fear as a paw or fist slams right beside him. "Oh, Hey! Foo foo..." The Foo foo scratches the table, seeing that the greeting isn't complete. "...uh. The destroyer.."

  "The Akiridion-5 Royal Mothership, have you seen it?" It asked in a deep voice, Ned looked elsewhere, wanting to be in any other position instead of this. "I don't know nothin' you know? I'm just trying to have a good time here. Want a drink?"

  Ned took a cup giving it to the Foo foo who took it only just to pour the contents inside and throw the cup. The Blank who caught it glared at him with red eyes. "What'd you do that for?" The Foo foo slammed his fist on the table once more.

  "What I want is the Akiridion-5 Royal Mothership. Where did you see it, transit operator?" The Foo foo threatened once more not knowing there are bigger threats surrounding him.

  "Oh!" Ned chuckled nervously. "So you heard me. Well, you do have those big, adorable ears." Ned chuckles once as he made a peace sign moving its fingers and forth before earning a growl from the Foo foo. "I'm scared of them, but, I want to hug them at the same time-" Ned gasps and was now pinned on the table by the Foo foo.

  "I-I meant, terrifying ears of death!" Ned corrected himself as a knife was plastered right beside his neck. "The Mothership." It asked once more.

  "Holo-screen, left side. I've logged every ship I've seen." Ned gave up, wavering as the Foo foo takes his Data cache of the Ship logs. "Ah! At last. Thank you." The Foo foo pointed the knife at Ned as he said this thanks. "You're welcome, Foo...foo." The Foo foo hits his body at the table numerous of times.

  As the Foo foo hops away holding the Data Cache, he muttered to himself as he's about to exit, "They're mine now." Not noticing a tail, crawling it's way to his robotic legs, pulling him down.

  A mysterious figure appeared right Infront of the Foo foo, it stared down at him as he tried to stand up. "Ugh! What the..?" The Foo foo spreads its eyes, seeing a familiar menacing figure drinking liquor.

  It walked towards the Foo foo as the three surrounds the robotic rabit, trappings him. "Don't stand in my way. I am Foo foo the destroyer, and I'll destroy you." The Foo foo threatened, moving his thumb along his neck.

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