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  ҉. *•̩̩͙❦•̩̩͙* ⁠۝ *•̩̩͙❦•̩̩͙*˚  ҉


" ok, let's go," jungkook said. " ok," I said, and we walked out of the doorm, and jungkook opened the door of the car for me. " Thank you," I said. " You are welcome," jungkook said, and after jungkook started driving, he played some music, and Euphoria started to play, and he we sang along .

After some time, we got to the restaurant. " wow its beautiful," I said. " You're more beautiful," jungkook said. " Um, thank you," I said, blushing "ok let's go in," jungkook said. we went inside, and there was " are you Mr. Jeon, " the lady said." Yes, " jungkook said." ok then, please follow me," she said .

We followed her to a table and took a seat. " Would you like to order now?" The lady said ,"Do you know what you want? " jungkook asked me, and i looked at the menu, " Yeah, I will have a pasta, " I said." ok, I will have the same as her, " jungkook said. " So what would you want to drink?" Nari said

( the name for the waiter is nari because it's easier than calling her " the lady" )

" Red wine," jungkook said. " ok, is that it." Nari said, " Yes, that will be it." jungkook said," ok, the food will be ready in some minutes. " Nari said and left." So how was the run with jiwoo? " jungkook said," it was fun after the run we went to eat and to the mall to buy some clothes. " I said,' What did you buy? " jungkook said," we bought some dresses. " I said, and the food came, and we started eating .

End of Eun Jins pov ( Teahyung's pov :

I got a call from jiwoo saying that Eun Jin just dropped her at her house so we could leave now and go pick her up. All of us were ready to leave the doorm, " jungkook we are leaving now we will see you at the restaurant your table is going to be in front of us so Eun Jin doesn't see us " I said " ok then " jungkook said " bye kookie " I said " bye guys " jungkook said and we hurried outside.

Before Eun Jin got to the doorm, I was so happy my little sister was going to get married. I never knew she was going to get married before me even though I'm the oldest.


" I'm going to the bathroom," I said. " ok," jungkook said, went to the bathroom and added some lip stick on , washed my hands, and then walked out " ok I'm back " I said sitting down then jungkook got out of his chair and went on one nea " Kim Eun Jin I now we only date for a few months but my love for you is a lot that I can't even explain ever since you stepped in my life it made a big change not a bad one but a good one so "

"𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞 ?"

" Yes, yes, I will merry you jungkook," I said, crying, and he put the ring on my finger and lifted me up in the air, smiling. " Yah, put me down," I said. " ok, I will my soon to be wife," jungkook said. " Congratulations, sis," a voice said behind us, and I turned around it was Teahyung, my brother. " Wait, you're here too," I said. " Not only me but the rest of bts and jiwoo," Teahyung said. " congrats ji " jiwoo said, coming tords me and hugging me. " Thanks," I said. " Congratulations, Jungkook and Eun Jin," the rest of bts said.

" So when is the wedding going to be?" Yoongi said." I don't know, " I said." How about on January 1st? " Jungkook said." ok, that's fine with me, " I said. " ok, let's go home it's getting late," Namjoon said. " That's true. Let's go, " Jin said, and we paid for the food and left and got home and I changed into my pj's and jumped on the bed with jungkook." Good night, babe," jungkook said. " Good night, kookie." I said

" I love you, Eun Jin," jungkook said. " I love you too, jungkookie," I said, and I snuggled in his chest, and he kissed my forhead, and we drifted to sleep.



𝐸𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑: 10/4/2023

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