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"AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!" Taehyung screamed in pain as he fell on the floor of his bedroom, holding his head.

Luhan and Sehun immediately went to the aid of their son, looking at each other with worried faces as they rushed the pained boy to the nearest hospital.

Taehyung was still screaming in pain on the way and even when they reached the hospital. Luhan's eyes are watery as he tried to ease his only child's pain.

It was almost impossible for the two, but it was but a miracle for Luhan to give birth to Taehyung. It was one of the rare and miracle cases of the world and a big blessing for the couple. Both have prayed so hard for the child to be born healthy, and thank god he was. But the fear doesn't stop there. There was still a chance that Taehyung might have inherited Luhan's disease, and Luhan's disease doesn't show itself until the later years, so the couple went on protecting the boy from anything that might trigger his disease. But unfortunately, fate wasn't in their hands, for their worst fears has come.

Taehyung had started crying in pain as they reached the hospital. Sehun immediately got out the car and carried Taehyung out. Luhan did nothing but to hold his son's hands, trying to be strong, trying to ease the pain of the poor boy.

"eo-eomma.. i-i can't t-take t-t-the p-pai--AAAAAAGHH!!!!" Taehyung managed to say, clutching on Luhan's hands tighter.

"No baby no, you can do it, you can fight it. Please baby, hold tight. You can do it.." Luhan said as he kissed his son's forehead.

Sehun was all but worried for his only son. He desperately called the nurses and doctors to attend them. The doctor and nurses came and immediately took Taehyung from Luhan and Sehun's arms as they take him away from the couple who were only told to wait.

Luhan called Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to alert them on what's happening. Both of them came immediately with their respective husbands, Chanyeol and Jongin along with their children, Jungkook and Jimin.

Luhan knew Jungkook would need to know about what happened to Taehyung. He knows what was going on with the two.

"Auntie! Auntie! What happened?!" Jungkook asked as he rushed to Luhan's side.

"Our worst fears has came." Luhan replied. Sehun was beside him, desperately praying for the safety of his son.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo immediately went to the comfort of Luhan while Chanyeol and Jongin tried to calm Sehun down.

Jimin silently sat down beside Jungkook, trying to calm the teary boy.

Alas, the time of truth has came. The doctor went out of the room, with a familiar face Luhan knew the meaning behind.

"Who are the parents of Mr. Taehyung Kim?" The doctor asked.

Luhan and Sehun immediately stood up.

"Is there anyone in your family that has been diagnosed or was killed by cancer?" The doctor asked the couple.

"Me, I've been diagnosed with a Brain tumor, and i almost had colon cancer. My aunt, mother's side, died of breast cancer." Luhan said almost immediately.

"Well that explains why. But i'm very sorry Mr. and Mr. Oh, you child has Brain cancer. Looking at the results of his tests, its already on the terminal stage. Hasn't he showed any symptoms before? In his younger years?"

The couple just shook their heads, clueless of how it got this far when it was the first time Taehyung has ever got anything like this.

"Well, it looks like the symptoms only showed up by the time his disease got his far. I'm very sorry, but there's no more we can do to save his life. We can only give him painkillers for his migraines, nothing more, nothing less. I'm so sorry."

Luhan broke down, crying, with Sehun hugging him, trying to support him.

"S-sehunnie.. o-our.. b-baby.." Luhan cried.

"Shh... let's be strong for him.. Doc, can we see him now?" Sehun asked. The doctor nodded as he pointed out the way where Taehyung's room is.

The couple weakly walked to their son's room, with their friends and their son's clueless friends following.

Luhan slowly opened the door, revealing a silent Taehyung, sitting on the bed, eyes down at his hands.

The couple ran to their son crying. Trying to contain all their feelings, staying strong for their only son.

Everyone came in, Taehyung's friends asking what has happened, is taehyung okay, and more.. with only J-hope, or Jung Hoseok, knowing all the answers to everyone's questions.

Noticing this, Taehyung's curiosity raised. He knew about his condition, the doctor had told him about it even before he told his parents. Though there is only one question he haven't asked... It is how much time he has left.

Time ticked indeed fast, as people are slowly leaving his room, one by one. Luhan and Sehun went out the room for a while to get food for them and necessary things, leaving a curious Taehyung with Hoseok.

"Ya, hyung.." Taehyung called out, sitting up his bed, his voice, cracked and raspy.

"Does Jungkook know about this?" Hoseok asked. Of all the people, J-hope and Jimin knows Taehyung the best. Both of them knows the kid's undying love for Jungkook.

Taehyung looked down at his hands and answered a silent, "No"

"Why?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't want him to suffer with me nor I don't want him to stress about this." Taehyung quietly answered.

"You better tell him soon then." Hoseok spoke. Full authority was heard from his voice.

"Hyung, tell me the truth. How much time do i have left?" Taehyung asked.

Hoseok took a deep breath. He knew the boy needs to know. "15 days. You only have 15 days, Taehyung."

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