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I slowly opened my eyes, seeing a paranoid Jungkook walking back and forth across the room, casually looking at the clock from time to time.

Getting really curious of his actions, with a rough voice I called, "Jungkook"

His gaze quickly turned towards me, i saw pure hope glistening in his eyes as he ran towards me, hugging me as tight as he could. I winced in pain, but it was Jungkook's warmth that i enjoyed. "Taehyung! Thank god you're awake! I was so so so worried!"

I laughed softly at our maknae, "Woah there, you speak like i'm going to die."

"YAH PABO! You're not going to die!" He said as he hit my arm two times. Ouch.

"I'm not going to leave. Chill." I reassured. Ha pulled away and sat beside my bed.

"I was so damn restless last night you know? Everyone had a hard time sleeping, We were all so worried about you, on when are you going to wake up, are you in a coma, are you still going to wake up, a lot of things were really bothering us, everyone was so worried..." Jungkook explained. I never thought that one relapse can cause this. "..So tell me Taehyung, are you really alright? Is this just a normal headache?"

I turned quiet with his questions. I faced the other side, not wanting to answer it. This is not the right time for him to know. But Jungkook was smart, he cupped my cheeks and gently turned my head to face him. "Tell me Taehyung, do you have some kind of serious disease i need to know?"

"No, I'll get better soon and we'll play soon okay?" I lied.

"You cannot lie to me Taehyung, tell me the truth."

I sighed. I looked to him straight in the eye, "Its just a migraine I've had a year ago, It had gotten worse so here I am, but the doctors said that i could pull through with just some pain killers."

Jungkook let out a breath, "Oh thank god. Please get better soon okay?"

I felt relieved. He believed another lie, a lie that he needs for his own good., even though i feel really bad for this, I can't help it. I cannot handle seeing Jungkook worry so much because of me. Its his human nature that scares me, He doesn't want anyone precious to him to be in danger that he goes to the extremes to put himself in that place so he can save that person. That's Jeon Jungkook.

"I will.. Thank you for being here Kookie."

He smiled at me and held my hand. "I will always be by your side Tae. That's what bestfriends are for right?"

I looked down on our hands, slowly interlocking, I let out a subtle smile. "Yeah, bestfriends."

How can I even pull this off if he only sees me as his bestfriend and nothing else? I can only hope for so long.

Nevertheless, my only goal here is for him to feel all my love. Its fine if he's not going to love me back.. I just want him to know how damn much I love him before I leave this cruel world.

"Hn.. Taehyung?" I flinched and by instinct, I quickly removed my hand from Jungkook's grip and looked at the person calling me... Mom.

"Taehyung, baby you're awake.. How are you?" Mom asked me, walking near my bed, touching my head as if i have a fever.

"I'm fine mom. I just want to get out of this nausea-tic place." I replied. Its true anyways, I'd love to get out of this stuffy hospital.

"But tae you can't, remember your condi-" I widened my eyes signaling mom that jungkook is just sitting beside me.

"I'll ask the doctor okay baby? But are you sure you're fine? Does your head still hurt or anything? Does anything hurt?"

"Mom, I'm completely fine. And can you please wake them up? Hoseok's snores are killing me." I complained. I heard Jungkook giggle at my comment.

"Fine fine, mind your language Tae, he's still your hyung." With that, we all laughed together in harmony as mom woke all of them up, with different kinds of noise. Their reactions are so priceless.


The Doctor came in later in the evening, and Mom asked him right away if we could go home already and thank god he said yes. But with one condition. Its to rush me back here right away if ever the pain worsens and for me to take pain relievers regularly to help ease the pain a little. All of us agreed, even Jungkook and Jimin volunteered to keep an eye on me to make sure I took them.

I'm a little scared, yes. But I'm happy, because heck, I'm finally leaving that stuffy Hospital. But its now time to start my plan with Jungkook, and that plan is to make him feel my love for the remaining days of my life. I have already talked about this with Mom privately also, knowing that I just don't want to regret anything when I die, He agreed. That's Oh Luhan for you, everyone.

And now, I'm at my room, watching a movie with Hoseok, Jimin and cuddling with Jungkook.. well, kind of. I maybe just hugging him because I'm scared of the movie., This damn maknae chose an Insidious marathon tonight.. and we're currently watching Insidious 3 and holy shit, this movie is damn scary.

And I don't have high tolerance for scary things.

"AAAAAAAHHH!!" I accidentally screamed as a scary face popped up on the screen. Everyone was laughing and a scared dad burst into my room.

"N-no need t-to HAHAHAHAHA! p-panic HAHAHAHA! U-Uncle S-Sehun HAHAHAHAHA! TAEHYUNG WAS JUST SCARED! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!" Jungkook struggled to pull out those words for extreme laughing at my actions, and Dad, by the door, burst out laughing.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT IF IT WAS SO DAMN SCARY! AND I'M STILL YOUR HYUNG!" I said while punching Jungkook's arm, along with kicking Hoseok and Jimin out of my bed.

"A-Aw hyung! HAHAHAHAHA!" Jungkook complained but i just punched him harder.

"SCAREDY CAT TAE! HAHAHAHA!" Hoseok teased. I kicked him with full force out of my bed.

"Don't act like you aren't a scaredy cat Hoseok. You even hurt your foot from screaming when we pranked you with Bong Chong Dong." I said, and Hoseok immediately stopped laughing. HA, LOOK WHO'S SCARED NOW.

"L-let's just watch now okay guys..." Hoseok said. "And please tae, don't mention that again, I still see her face in my dreams."

Everyone burst out laughing now at Hoseok-hyung, as he resumed the movie. The laughter slowly died down eventually as we start to focus on the movie.

"I'll leave you boys now okay? Be safe, and please, keep Taehyung out of stress for a while okay? Have fun! And do NOT stay up late!" Dad said as he went out of the room, emphasizing the word 'NOT'. We all agreed to him as we continue watching the movie.

The room was filled of Hoseok's and Jimin's screams most of the night as i kept my screams in.

Hoseok suggested a comedy movie afterwards to shake out the nostalgic feeling of watching the Insidious trilogy but Jungkook disagreed. Everyone was starting to get sleepy and its getting late already so they decided to sleep over.

We didn't even bother to change our clothes, or to move anymore. Hoseok and Jimin fell asleep fast on the carpeted floor of my room. As well as Jungkook who is now snoring beside me.

I kissed his forehead and mumbled a silent 'goodnight' before drifting off to sleep.

Laaaame update sorry! I've been very busy lately because school's fucked up with a lot of requirements to pass and i was brainstorming for my entry for a scriptwriting contest, and exams are coming up so.. Yeah.. Damn.

I promise to give y'all a better update by the end of our exams! Wish me luck and thank you again for the support!


P.S. [kind of PROMOTION lol]
I have a new vkook story coming up soon! Its called 'Lay Me Down' and the prologue is already up so.. check it if you like. I may write a few chapters near this week or something so check it out! :3

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