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As soon as Wooyoung got up, he hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen.
The reason he did such a thing was because he felt not accepted of his family, he felt that Sans mom didn't like him but actually she thought that it was the best that San could've done for a partner.

Wooyoung started taking out ingredients, as he was looking he was thinking on what to make. He looked over all of the ingredients and decided on making kimchi. He closed the door as he was trying to me as quiet as possible. Just after a few minutes as he started seasoning the kimchi, Sans mom walked in and flinched with a gasp.

"Gosh! Wooyoung!"
Sans mom laughed.

Wooyoung turned to her and smiled.
"Morning Ms. Choi."

"What are you doing here?"
Sans mom sat down and kept a hand on her chest.

"I am making food."
Wooyoung nodded.

"Do you always do it this early?"

"I do."

"What are you making tho?"
Sans mom stood up and walked over to Woo.


"You're such a great boy!"
Sans mom gasped again.

"Thank you miss."

"Ah, don't call me miss, you can call me mom."
Sans mom softly slapped Woos shoulder.

"Alright mom."
Wooyoung started laughing.

"Honey I'm so happy I don't have to make breakfast today, I get extra time to stay in bed, thank you."
Sans mom thanked Wooyoung and left back to bed.

Wooyoung smiled and continued cooking. He loves being praised by older people than him. Just as the smell started spreading everywhere, people started gathering. First Sans mom, then his dad, then his sister Haneul, then the two twins, the cat and then San himself.

"Mom what are you cooki-"
San walked through the door while scratching his head and then when he saw his mom sitting he looked over at the stove and saw his almost-lover.
San widened his eyes and smiled.

"Sit down San."
Wooyoung giggled as he put the food into plates.

Wooyoung carried them to everyone and then got one for himself. He sat down next to San and before that stood up and offered Haneul a hand as a greet.
"I'm Wooyoung, I didn't see you before so I just want to say hi."
Wooyoung smiled.

Sans sister took his hand and shook it also with a smile.
"I'm Haneul, Sans older sister, I'm very happy to have you here."

Wooyoung sat back down and everyone started eating. Everyone was chatting as they ate up the food quickly, Woo was waiting for reviews.

San frowned and looked down at the kimchi after the first bite, he continued eating it still.

As San was almost finished he looked at Wooyoung and then at his mom while still chewing. He swallowed the kimchi down and spoke out.
"This is definitely made by mom, sorry Woo."

"San what are you saying!"
Sans mom hit his head lightly.

San looked at his mom and frowned.
"It tastes exactly like your typical kimchi."
San pointed at his mom with chopsticks.

Wooyoung started laughing and covered his mouth.

"Your lover made this and you are saying it's me? How dare you?"
Sans mom also frowned.

"He actually made this?"
San widened his eyes and pointed at Wooyoung with his chopsticks.

"He did."

San looked at Wooyoung.
"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."
Wooyoung kept on laughing.

"But how did you do this exactly the same?"
San frowned again.

"The same ingredients I guess."
Wooyoung started calming down.
"And the main thing, lots of love San, you definitely couldn't do the same."
Wooyoung started laughing again.

"Oh you're saying I don't love others enough?"
San widened his eyes again at Wooyoung.

"I don't know."
Woo leaned back a bit.

"I love everyone just enough, but I don't know how to cook."
San went back to eating.

"San watch your damn mouth, you got a very nice lover that's not easy to find."
Haneul frowned.

"What did I say now?!"
San sat up and frowned as he was chewing.

"Don't talk back to him, he's your lover."

"Actually, he isn't my lover, but he's gonna be my lover."
San pointed at his sister with his chopsticks.

"And how does that work?"
She took a bite.

"Well, he said he isn't ready for a relationship between us yet, so it's kinda of a situationship."
San explained.

Haneul raised her eyebrows, looked at Woo and then back at San.
"I hope you're respecting that?"

"Obviously, if I want him to be in a relationship with me then I will respect he does and says."
San nodded as he chewed.

Wooyoung smiled and looked at his food.
"I think I put a bit too much for myself."

San looked over at him and took his one kimchi and put it to his mouth.
"Eat up."

Wooyoung looked at San, he didn't want to eat it but he put it in his mouth and started chewing.

"See? You do want to eat."
San swallowed the kimchi that was in his mouth and kissed Wooyoungs cheek leaving a spice mark there.

San was trying to take more of the kimchi from his plate but he looked down and saw that he has already finished.

"Ah. Well that was amazing-"
San didn't get to finish as Woo started putting the left kimchi from his plate into Sans.

"Take this, I'm full."

San gasped.
"What? No! That's your food!"
San started putting it back in his plate.

"San if he says he's full it means he's full."
Sans dad shut Sans acts down quickly.

San stopped and let Wooyoung put all of the left over food into Sans plate.

San looked over at Wooyoung.
"Are you really full or are you not?"

"I am full."
Wooyoung smiled.

"Really? You didn't eat a lot."

"I don't typically eat much."

"Alright then, stay at the table tho."
San smiled and started eating Wooyoungs unfinished food.

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