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After everyone ate, San got up.
"I'll wash the dishes."
He started gathering them.
"Also, mom, can you watch Arin and Ayun? I've got one more place to show Woo."

"What about you wait a couple of days for their birthday with your lake?"
Sans mom already knew perfectly of what it would be.

"We're gonna go there?"
San raised an eyebrow.

"I'm kidding, but I think we all could go to the lake after you wash the dishes."
Sans mom smiled.

"I mean, sure, but I wanted to take Woo on a ride on the motorcycle again, he liked it yesterday."
San put all of the dishes into one.

"You can, we will go by one car."
Sans dad smiled.

"Thank you."
San smiled and went to the sink.

"You both are very risky with your choices."
Sans mom laughed while looking over at Wooyoung.

"What flavour would life be without a bit of seasoning? It would be very dull."
Wooyoung smiled.

"That is right, I like that."
Sans dad pointed at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung turned to Haneul with a raised eyebrow.
"How come we didn't see each other yesterday?"

"I was at work, when I came back you and San were at the blooming tree."
Haneul smiled as she reached for the chocolate.

"I'd actually like to ask about a thing, why did you kick San out when he had Ayun and Arin?"
Wooyoung turned back to his parents.

"Well, it's quite complicated. At that time before we found out San was behaving weirdly, not sleeping, not eating, no nothing. We were very worried about him, we went to his room and found both of them there."
Sans dad explained and then looked over at his two granddaughters.
"Haneul please take them to another room please."

"Yes dad."
Haneul got up and brought them with herself into the living room after closing the door.

"San sit down."
Sans mom invited him down.

"You tell him everything, I'm not looking forward for telling him the story."
San looked at them and back at the dishes.

"Alright then. So when we caught him he immediately started bawling his eyes out. San told us everything how it happened and that was quite tragic. He was crying for good two days and also not eating even if we brought it to his room. Definitely there was something else going on. We got into a huge fight where his dad decided on kicking him out, but for great time I alone was sending him money to survive because he was very young. Later on I found his dad worrying about San and we arrived at his apartment on his sixteenth birthday to figure it all out, we decided on sending him money for one more year so he would start getting a grip of his own."

"It's actually traumatic remembering it all."
San started laugh crying.

"It must be a dark memory."
Wooyoung put his head on his hand.

San shook his hands off and went to sit next to Woo. San hugged Wooyoung and Wooyoung sat over on Sans lap.
San tightened his grip on Wooyoung and started crying into his neck.
Woo started petting Sans hair.

"I remember you saying you got kicked out too, can you tell us the story?"
Sans mom asked.

Sans dad turned to his wife.
"He was also kicked out?"

"He was."

Wooyoung sighed and looked down at the table and then back at Sans parents that were both looking at him and hoping for the story.

"I guess I can give my story in exchange."
Wooyoung pushed out a smile.

"Well I was kicked out a couple of months ago, I'm freshly kicked out. Back then I was very spoiled and thought that only I am right, I used to spend a lot of money on stuff I don't need and get scolded by my parents, but I talked back a lot, too much. Once I made my brother cry and that was the line for my parents. They told a butler to pack my whole ownings up and throw them outside, I had to sell bunch of them to make it possible to carry around. I stayed homeless for a month, it was winter. While it was that time I tried apologising for all of my actions, my parents forgave me but told me to get a grip on my own. My brother Kyungmin was the only one to lend me a hand by giving me bunch of blankets and a bit of food so I wouldn't starve. I started searching for apartments, before I moved in with one of Sans friends I was evicted five times, and now I've got to pay back the same friend for paying all of the fees."
Slight tears started forming in Wooyoungs eyes.
"I had to pay back for my actions, it was fair."

"You have a very nice brother."
Sans mom spoke out with a quieter voice.

"I'm so happy he forgave me, if he wouldn't have I would be probably dead. I was super- bony at the moment, I didn't eat enough for two months and then I started eating, I got tested out and I had anorexia, but I couldn't get proper treatment other than my own, I am still suffering from it a bit but I'm getting better every day."
Wooyoung pushed out another smile.

San turned Wooyoungs body to himself and started crying into his shoulder even more.

"Did you ever have any mental illnesses?"
Sans dad asked.

"I've had severe anxiety before. I used to get robbed of my action figures as I was selling them so it made me scared that I will get attacked."
Wooyoung started wiping his own tears away.

"San, please invite Wooyoungs parents and brother for Arins and Ayuns birthday."
Sans mom said with a shakier voice.
"I want to meet them."

"I will."
San nodded and lift his head up while looking up at his loved one.

Wooyoung was wiping his tears away as much as they flowed.

"I think you guys are really perfect for each other. Like two matching puzzle pieces that accidentally came together."
Sans dad smiled.

"Thanks dad."
San smiled as he looked at him.

"Since we're finished with this, please go get ready for going to the lake."
Sans mom smiled and pointed at the door.

"Yes mom."
San nodded and got up while picking Woo up too.

They got to Sans room and Wooyoung was put on the bed. Wooyoung covered his face with his hands and started bawling his eyes out.
As soon as San heard his cries he turned to Wooyoung and sat beside him.
San started petting Woos back.
"Love, everything is ok, it's all in the past now."

"I know, it hurts to remember it all tho. I know it's just karma from my bad behaviour but it hurts to this day, because of the anorexia the most."
Wooyoung looked up at San.

"I am gonna get you proper treatment, don't you worry about it."
San smiled and opened his arms for a hug.

"I love you so much."
Wooyoung hugged San immediately and cried into his neck.

"Is that a confession of acceptance?"
San smiled and hugged Wooyoung back.

"I don't want to accept any money from you, but I know I need it, and I know I need treatment even more, I can't deny it."
Wooyoung continued to cry.

"I totally understand."
San kissed Wooyoungs neck with a smile.

"I also didn't take any trunks."
Wooyoung pulled away with a smile while wiping his tears onto his wrist.

San started laughing.
"I can lend you some, but they might be too big for you."

"Can I buy some on the way there?"
Wooyoung also started laughing.

"Absolutely love."
San wiped away the last of Wooyoungs tears and kissed his forehead.

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